CompuTec AppEngine requires .NET Framework to work correctly. The version of the .NET Framework supported by AppEngine is 4.7.
Click to see how to check .NET Framework version
- Type in the following command in Command Prompt from Windows applications:
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\full" /v version
And click enter
- The result will show the .NET Framework version
We recommend that you install the latest version of .NET Framework – you can do it using the dedicated tool Windows Update or manually downloading the required files from the Microsoft site.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 (Web Installer) | Link |
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 (Offline Installer) | Link |
CompuTec AppEngine does not require a SAP Business One application client.
Steps Required to Perform before CompuTec AppEngine Installation
- Install SAP Business One DI API 64-bit on the client machine.
- Install CompuTec ProcessForce API 64-bit, which selected plugins may require. You can find it here.
- Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server (installed with SAP Business One Client).
- Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 (installed with SAP Business One Client).
Working with SAP B1 on the HANA Database
It is required to run hdbsetup.exe installation for proper work of CompuTec AppEngine (without this, databases are not available from the application Settings level).
The file is available in the b1_shf\SAP_HANA_CLIENT_x64 folder on a machine where SAP Business One is installed: