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Version: 3.0

Database Structure Setup

The DatabaseVersion is a double field that is checked during the update procedure. If this version changes, the setup action performed by the AppEngine installation process will update all objects and apply necessary actions.

The database structure will be installed if:

  • The PluginInfo constructor specifies a SetupDescription class, which must contain both Database Version and SetupAssembly.
  • A SetupDefinition class is implemented, based on SetupInfo, containing essential details about the setup version, objects, UFDs, and other components.

User Data Objects

The framework supports creating various SAP Business One business object types:

  • Master Data - Define and manage master data objects.
  • Documents - Configure different document types.
  • No Objects - Handle cases without specific objects.
  • No Object AutoIncrement

All user data object entities must inherit from UDOManager and include the Install attribute to ensure proper installation.


All child objects defined and used by the CompuTec Core framework contain a U_LineNum column, which is a secondary key for UDO child tables. Please avoid using the SAP LineId as it may not guarantee integration.

Examples can be found in the demo application CT.VehOne.

User Fields in SAP

To add user fields for SAP objects, localize the PluginSetupInfo class and add appropriate information to the function:

public override List<ICustomField> GetUserDefinedFields(ICoreConnection connection)
var userFields = new List<ICustomField>();
var VehOneCode = new TableCustomField();
VehOneCode.SetDescription("Vehicle Code");
return userFields;


You can set up user authorizations to manage access levels for various functionalities in SAP Business One. Authorizations can be defined at the User Data Objects level, where they are automatically assigned to the business entity and form in SAP Business One.

To implement this, create a class that derives from AuthorizationInfo and include the AuthorizationInstall attribute. This class enables you to define the complete authorization tree for SAP Business One.

Query Categories

To organize database queries effectively, create and manage query categories by:

  1. Creating a class derived from QueryCategory.
  2. Adding the Install attribute.

In the class definition, specify the category name.


Queries are saved in the Query Manager / SAP Reports. They require a defined query category. To create a query:

  1. Create a class derived from Query with the Install attribute.
  2. Specify the following:
    • Query Category
    • Query Description
    • Query String
this.QueryCategory = MyQueryCategory.CategoryName;
this.QueryDescription = "Cost Accounting";
this.QueryString = "SELECT * FROM OITM";

Formatted Searches

To enhance data entry and automate data retrieval, set up formatted searches. This requires a defined query category and query.

  1. Create a class derived from FormattedSearch.
  2. Add the Install attribute.


Configure alerts to notify users of important business events or conditions. Alerts require a defined query category and query.

  1. Create a class derived from Alert.
  2. Add the Install attribute.

Crystal Layouts

Define crystal document/master data layouts within the relevant UDOManager class. This class should describe the entity where the layout is applied.

To set up:

  1. Populate the ReportType property of the returned IUDOTable object.


List<DocumentLayoutInfo> reportList = new List<DocumentLayoutInfo>();
if (_coreConnection.IsSQLConnection())
reportList.Add(new DocumentLayoutInfo("Bill of Materials (System)", @"Reports\CrystalReports\PF_BOM_SQL_EN.rpt", true, CompuTec.BaseLayer.UI.BoLanguages.ln_English));
reportList.Add(new DocumentLayoutInfo("Bill of Materials (System)", @"Reports\CrystalReports\PF_BOM_HANA_EN.rpt", true, CompuTec.BaseLayer.UI.BoLanguages.ln_English));

UdoTable.ReportType = new ReportTypeUDO("BillOfManufacturingReportType", "", "CT_PF_OBOMCode", reportList);

Crystal Reports

Set up Crystal Reports to generate custom reports according to business requirements.

Database Structures

To install the database structure, provide a configuration file (link to example configuration).

  • The file should be set as an embedded resource, with the resource path specified in the SetupInfo class.
  • Script Node - Defines the element to install in the database.
    • Name - Must match the file name containing the view/procedure/function.
    • Type - P = Procedure, F = Function, V = View.
    • DatabaseType - A = Install on HANA and SQL systems, S = SQL only, H = HANA only.
    • ContinueOnError - Set to true or false based on whether errors should halt the setup process.

Scripts are installed in the order they appear in the file.

Directory Structure

  • LoadOrder.xml
    • HANA:
      • Procedures
      • Functions
      • Views
    • SQL:
      • Procedures
      • Functions
      • Views

The script body in the file must contain the complete procedure body and declaration, excluding the CREATE statement.

Database Upgrade Actions

The setup installation can execute custom code before or after the installation process. This feature is useful for applying new business logic or rules.

To achieve this, create a class derived from SetupCustomAction and implement the public override Result Run() method for the activity. Add the ExecuteInstallAction attribute to execute the class.

  1. Run Once - Add [ExecuteInstallAction(true)].
  2. Run on Version Upgrade - [ExecuteInstallAction(ProcessForceVersionSettings.PF93.PL13)].
  3. Run Before Object Installation - Set parameter RunBeforeInstallingObjects of the ExecuteInstallAction attribute to "true".

Additional Setup Possibilities

Custom logic can also be called during:

  • Uninstall
  • Before Install
  • Installation Started
  • Installation Error
  • After Successful Installation

Override the appropriate methods in the PluginInfo class:

public override void OnUninstall(ICoreConnection connection) { base.OnUninstall(connection); }
public override void BeforeInstall(ICoreConnection connection) { base.BeforeInstall(connection); }
public override void PluginInstalling(ICoreConnection connection) { base.PluginInstalling(connection); }
public override void OnInstallError(PluginInstalldVersion? current_DB_Number, PluginInstalldVersion final_DB_Number, Result actionResult, Exception ex = null) { base.OnInstallError(current_DB_Number, final_DB_Number, actionResult, ex); }
public override void AfterStructureWasInstalled(PluginInstalldVersion? current_DB_Number, PluginInstalldVersion final_DB_Number, ICoreConnection coreConnection) { base.AfterStructureWasInstalled(current_DB_Number, final_DB_Number, coreConnection); }

This document outlines the essential steps and components required to effectively configure and manage SAP Business One frameworks. By following the detailed guidance provided, you can enhance your system's capabilities, streamline processes, and deliver optimal business outcomes.