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Version: 3.0

SAP UI Forms for Custom Objects

This guide describes the steps for designing SAP UI forms for custom objects, particularly using classes derived from AbstractFormInitializer in SAP Business One. It includes instructions on setting up, modifying, and managing form appearances, resizing, and opening custom UDO forms. By following this guide, developers can streamline the creation and customization of UI forms tailored to business logic.

Steps to Create a UI Form

  1. Create a Class from AbstractFormInitializer

    If this form is based on UDO (User-Defined Objects) and involves business logic, consider using a generic version of AbstractFormInitializer.

  2. Decorate the Class with the LoadForm Attribute Define the following properties in the LoadForm attribute:

    • Form Type: Specify the form type.
    • MenuUid: Define the menu UIDs where this form should load.
    • XML Path: Path to the XML form definition.
  3. Customize the Form Appearance in the InitializeForm Method

    Place your code in the InitializeForm method to alter the form’s appearance. Common tasks include setting expand types for combo boxes, rearranging elements, or applying initial settings.


    using CompuTec.Core2.UI.Attributes;
    using CompuTec.Core2.UI.Forms;
    using CompuTec.Core2.UI.Translation;
    using CT.VehOne.BL.BusinessEntities.VehicleMastrData;
    using SAPbouiCOM;

    namespace CT.VehOne.UI.UI.Forms.VehicleMasterData;

    [LoadForm(FormTypeEx = VehicleMasterDataForm.FormTypeEx, XmlPath = VehicleMasterDataForm.FormXmlDefinitionPath,
    MenuIDS = new string[] { MenuUIds.VehicleMasterDataMenuUid })]
    internal sealed partial class VehicleMasterDataForm : AbstractFormInitializer<IVehicleMasterData>
    public const string FormTypeEx = "CT_VO_OVMD";
    public const string FormXmlDefinitionPath = "UI\Forms\VehicleMasterData\VehicleMasterDataForm.xml";

    public VehicleMasterDataForm(ICoreConnection connection, AppHolder appHolder, ILogger<VehicleMasterDataForm> logger,
    ITranslationServiceUI translationService, IFormDefinitionsCacheService cacheService) : base(connection,
    appHolder, logger, translationService, cacheService)

    public override void InitializeForm(Form form)
    // Called when the form is drawn on the screen.
    form.SetExpandTypeToCombobox(BoExpandType.et_DescriptionOnly, Controls.VehicleTypeCombo);

Designing the Form

Steps to Design the Form in Practice

  1. Add the XML definition as a base definition.
  2. Run the application to generate the XML file.
  3. Modify the XML file located at CT.VehOne.UI/bin/Debug/net8.0/UI/Forms/VehicleMasterData/VehicleMasterDataForm.xml.
  4. Reload the form and check the changes.
  5. If the design is finalized, copy the modified XML file back to the source directory.

Note: You can also use the screen painter tool for additional customizations.

Additions to SAP XML Declarations

We have added additional XML declarations that are managed by the framework. Below is an example of such a configuration:

<form AutoManaged="1" BorderStyle="0" FormType="CT_PF_OBOMTech" ObjectType="CT_PF_OBOMCode" SupportedModes="13"
appformnumber="CT_PF_OBOMCode" client_height="590" client_width="890" color="0" default_button="1" height="590"
left="200" mode="0" pane="8" title="Production Process" top="50" type="0" uid="CT_PF_OBOMTech_" visible="0" width="890">
<ActiveItem FindDefaultItemUID="7" AddDefaultItemUID="7"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="OBSelOutGr" TargetProperty="Left" ElementUID="rect_rtg4" Property="Right" Ratio="0.5"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="OBSelOutGr" TargetProperty="Right" ByChanging="Width" ElementUID="rect_rtg4" Property="Right" Margin ="-5"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="OBSelInGrd" TargetProperty="Right" ByChanging="Width" ElementUID="OBSelOutGr" Property="Left" Margin ="-5"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="OBSelInGrd" TargetProperty="Top" ElementUID="ClrInBtn" Property="Bottom" Margin ="15"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="OBSelOutGr" TargetProperty="Top" ElementUID="ClrInBtn" Property="Bottom" Margin ="15"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="OBSelInGrd" TargetProperty="Bottom" ByChanging="Height" ElementUID="rect_rtg4" Property="Bottom" Margin ="-5"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="OBSelOutGr" TargetProperty="Bottom" ByChanging="Height" ElementUID="rect_rtg4" Property="Bottom" Margin ="-5"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="OBOutGrd" TargetProperty="Left" ElementUID="rect_rtg4" Property="Right" Ratio="0.5"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="OBOutGrd" TargetProperty="Right" ByChanging="Width" ElementUID="rect_rtg4" Property="Right" Margin ="-5"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="OBInptGrd" TargetProperty="Right" ByChanging="Width" ElementUID="OBOutGrd" Property="Left" Margin ="-5"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="AddOutPct" TargetProperty="Left" ElementUID="OBSelOutGr" Property="Left" Margin ="0"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="DelOutPct" TargetProperty="Left" ElementUID="AddOutPct" Property="Right" Margin ="5"/>
<Setter TargetElementUid="ClrOutBtn" TargetProperty="Left" ElementUID="DelOutPct" Property="Right" Margin ="5"/>


Note: Auto resize must be enabled for the framework. Use the <Resize> element in the XML rather than manual resizing methods.

  • Setter: Sets the TargetProperty of TargetElementUid based on ElementUID, Property, and Ratio.
  • TargetProperty options:
    • top, left, width, height
    • bottom and right (requires ByChanging property)


This element sets the active item on the form when the mode changes. For master data documents, set it to the Code field in find mode and to the DocNum field for documents.

Opening UDO Forms (Yellow Arrow)

To open UDO forms, use the IFormOpener service:


With a methodical approach, developers can create forms that are not only functional but also tailored to meet specific business requirements. This guide serves as a foundation, enabling you to build and manage sophisticated UI forms with confidence.