Improvement | A loading screen was added upon choosing a job from the list. |
Improvement | Classification field added for document lines. |
Improvement | Create Time and Update Time columns added to the job list. It is now possible to sort the records by Date and Time. |
Improvement | If Manufacturing Orders are generated using MRP Order Recommendations as the source, it will update open quantity and their status. |
Improvement | If the generated scenario does not have a document numbering series defined, the user default series is set. |
Improvement | MOWizard has a group graph and a regular graph. Now, graphs are hidden in the dialog; you can access them by clicking the Show graph button. |
Improvement | Wiard Job window: now it is possible to filter by the Partially Completed option. Partially completed means that not all Manufacturing Order has been created. |
Improvement | Planning tab: it is now possible to change Routing and Warehouse.Document tab: it is now possible to change Revision. |
Improvement | Selected quantities can now be modified. |
Improvement | Summary: Manufacturing Order child is by default. |
Improvement | Classification can now be modified in MOWizard. |
Improvement | When: When MRP Order Recommendations are used, a change of Selected Quantity results in an opening dialog that will help the user recalculate child recommendations. |
Improvement | When rescheduling is needed to run a job, information about it and instructions on what the client should do is shown. |
Improvement | When you select Order Recommendation, it automatically selects its children. |
Bug | Planning tab: Document Numbering Series is not available from the drop-down list. |
Bug | After deleting a scenario, the scenario is also removed from the list. |
Bug | Before creating Manufacturing Orders documents, the user needs to reschedule Manufacturing Orders to be created. After this rescheduling, Manufacturing Order Documents are cached for a given user session and thus can be added as scheduled. |
Bug | Sales Order tab: multiple selections by using Shift supported. |