User Defined Fields in PowerShell Scripts
On this page, you can check how to set the value for a User Defined Field (UDF) that was added to a ProcessForce object.
General Rule
When you want to set a value on User Defined Field that was added to the ProcessForce object, you need to use the following syntax:
$PFObject.UDFItems.Item("U_UDF1").Value = 'some value';
Therefore instead of (example for U_LineNo field on Manufacturing Order's header):
$mo.U_LineNo = $csvItem.LineNo
It should be:
$mo.UDFItems.Item("U_LineNo").Value = $csvItem.LineNo
The same pattern applies to other User Defined Fields (UDFs).
Hour Type User Defined Fields
For User Defined Field (UDF) with Hour type, you need to explicitly cast value from the .csv file the o type DateTime. For example, in the .csv file, there is a value in the format HH:MM. An example piece of code for this is:
$mo.UDFItems.Item("U_PlannedHours").Value = [datetime] $csvItem.PlannedHours