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Version: 10.0

Example 3 Working with Technology

How to add a hierarchical object such as Operation Routing or Bill Of Material using ProcessForce API

Short Information about Hierarchical Data in ProcessForce Technology

When adding Operations to a Resource, you have to:

  1. Make sure that you are in an empty operation row:

    //Set current row to last position
    //Check if this line is not empty
  2. Set the U_OprCode value of the Operation you want to add. After setting this value, all correspondent information is added to Routing (Operation Properties, Resources, Resource Properties with the default values taken from Operation object), and filled U_RtgOprCode will get the new value ( U_OprCode +U_RtgOprCode is a unique key for this operation):

    rtg.Operations.U_OprCode = "Planing";
  3. when you want to add something at a second or more level (for example, Routing-Operation-Resources), you must first set the parent information:

    rtg.OperationResources.U_RtgOprCode = 1;

    and after that, you can set up a new Resource for this Operation. Off course, all his child's and default Values will be added automatically:

    rtg.OperationResources.U_RscCode = "plane01";
  4. When you want to replace any Resources, you only need to change its U_RscCode. The API will then remove all previous data and update it with the new information.

    • Creating New Routing

      • Create a routing object using the CreatePFObject method

      • Set Mandatory header Information

      • Set Child Data

      • Add an object to the database

        IRouting rtg = company.CreatePFObject(CompuTec.ProcessForce.API.Core.ObjectTypes.Routing);
        rtg.U_RtgCode = "DIRtg1";
        rtg.U_RtgName = "Test Routing";
        /// Adding Operation To Resource
        /// Notice that after setting this code, all relative resources and other information will automatically load into the routing
        /// and U_RtgOprCode will automatically receive the value that will be a key for this specific operation
        rtg.Operations.U_OprCode = "Planing";
        var operationKey = rtg.Operations.U_RtgOprCode;
        ///now we will try to add another resource for this specific operation.
        rtg.OperationResources.SetCurrentLine(rtg.OperationResources.Count - 1);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtg.OperationResources.U_RscCode))//Check if last line in udoobject is empty if not add new line

        ///First set operation Key for with you want to add resource
        rtg.OperationResources.U_RtgOprCode = operationKey;
        //Again after setting ResourceCode all related information will be loaded
        rtg.OperationResources.U_RscCode = "plane01";
        ///U_RtgOprRscCode and U_RtgOprCode will be a key for OperationResourceProperty
        ///Add Another Operation
        rtg.Operations.U_OprCode = "Cutting";
    • Updating BillOfMaterial setting

      • Create BillOfMaterialObject

      • Load data from the database using the GetByItemCodeAndRevision method

      • Add new Routing (note that setting bom.Routing.U_RtgCode will cause loading of all data to bom object)

      • Update Object

        IBillOfMaterial bom = company.CreatePFObject(CompuTec.ProcessForce.API.Core.ObjectTypes.BillOfMaterial);
        if (bom.GetByItemCodeAndRevision("Chair01", "") == 0)
        bom.Routings.SetCurrentLine(bom.Routings.Count - 1);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bom.Routings.U_RtgCode))
        bom.Routings.U_RtgCode = "DIRtg1";
        bom.Routings.U_IsDefault = "Y";
        Console.WriteLine("Bill of material was not found.");