Customized Task List
This function allows creating a customized table view when adding a task by Resource. This means that based on a few mandatory fields, it is possible to give information from other objects in SAP Business One or ProcessForce by creating an SQL code.
Please note that when using this function, all interactive icons are unavailable.
To create a view, perform the following steps:
Create an SQL code (what columns you would like to display on what conditions, order, etc)
- The code has to have a condition written like
where mor16."U_RscCode" =@RscCode
- The code has to be based on CT_PF tables like
OMOR and/or MOR12 and/or MOR16
- Columns' aliases need to be written with a floor like
are always obligatory
,omor."DocNum" as "_Nr_dokumentu"
,omor."U_ItemCode" as "_Kod_indeksu"
,omor."U_Description" as "_Nazwa_indeksu"
,omor."U_Quantity" as "_Planowana_ilośc"
,omor."U_PlannedStartDate" "_Planowana_data_rozpoczęcia"
,mor12."U_OprCode" as "_Kod_operacji"
,opr."U_OprName" as "_Nazwa_operacji"
,mor14."U_ItemCode" as "_Kod_materiału"
,oitm."ItemName" as "_Nazwa_materiału"
from "@CT_PF_OMOR" omor
inner join "@CT_PF_MOR12" mor12 on omor."DocEntry"=mor12."DocEntry"
inner join "@CT_PF_MOR16" mor16 on omor."DocEntry"=mor16."DocEntry" and mor12."U_RtgOprCode"=mor16."U_RtgOprCode"
left join "@CT_PF_MOR14" mor14 on mor12."DocEntry" = mor14."DocEntry" and mor12."U_RtgOprCode"=mor14."U_RtgOprCode"
inner join "@CT_PF_OOPR" opr on mor12."U_OprCode"=opr."U_OprCode"
left join "OITM" oitm on mor14."U_ItemCode"=oitm."ItemCode"
where mor16."U_RscCode" =@RscCode
and omor."DocNum" like '21%'
and mor16."U_Active"='Y'
and omor."U_Status" in ('ST','RL')
Query Manager
The code needs to be saved in Query Manager:
PDC Settings
It is needed to create a PDC Setting view and select created view/query in the Task List field.
Employee Master Data
The last step to use the customized task list is to assign the created PDC Setting to Employee at Employee Master Data window:
Example of the result in CompuTec PDC: