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Version: 10.0

Item Ingredient Master Data

The Item Ingredient Master Data form enables users to define the ingredient and nutrient details for a specific item. This form is crucial for managing product compositions, ensuring compliance with labeling requirements, and tracking ingredients and nutrients within products.


Inventory → Ingredients → Item Ingredient Master Data

Item Ingredient Master Data

Form Header

In the form Header, the following information can be defined:

  • Item Code: an alphanumeric code assigned to a specific item.
  • Description: a description of an item.
  • Inventory UoM: Unit of Measure, e.g., kilogram
  • Alt UoM: an alternative Unit of Measure
  • Quantity: quantity of the item.
  • Ingredient Template: a predefined list of ingredients. To get more information, click here
  • Category: category of the ingredient. To get more information, click here
  • Alt Code: an alternative code that can be used as standard, scientific codes governed by law, e.,g. E number - codes assigned to substances that can be used as additives to food products within the European Union and Switzerland
  • Energy density: measured in kCal (kilocalories) - a fixed value is automatically recalculated into kJ (kilojoules) units.



Item Ingredient Master Data - Ingredients

In this tab, predefined ingredients can be chosen. To get more information on defining ingredient details, click here.


Item Ingredient Master Data - Nutrients

In this tab, predefined nutrients can be defined. To get more information on defining nutrients, click here.

Daily Intake template can be added by choosing a desired Daily Intake Code. To get more information on defining Recommended Daily Intake, click here.


Item Ingredient Master Data - Allergens

In this tab, you can set a list of allergens assigned to a specific item. To get more information on defining allergens, click here.

If cross-contamination is possible for a specific allergen, it can be checked in a Cross Contamination column.


Item Ingredient Master Data - Classification

In this tab, information on related certificates can be set. Certificates can be assigned to a specific classification. The certificate is a document confirming compliance with specific requirements for products of a company that holds the document. The following information can be set for a specific certificate:

  • BP Code: Business Partner Code.
  • BP Name: Name of the Business Partner.
  • Certificate Number: the ID number of the certificate.
  • Certificate Date: the date the certificate was issued.
  • Status: one of three options may be set for a specification: Not Approved, Pending, or Approved.
  • Status Date: date when the status was updated.
  • Attachment: a file attached to a specific certificate, e.g., scanned document.
  • Remarks: additional notes or comments.


Item Ingredient Master Data - Specifications

This feature allows you to create and modify vendor or industry specifications for an ingredient. The following details can be defined:

  • BP Code: a code assigned to the specific business partner.
  • BP Name: name of the business partner.
  • Specification Number: a unique number assigned to a specific specification.
  • Specification Date: date of the specification
  • Status: one of the three options may be set for a specification: Not Approved, Pending, or Approved.
  • Status Date: a date when the specification status was last updated.
  • Attachment: attach relevant documents.
  • Remarks: additional notes related to the specification.