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Maintainable Item

Maintainable Item (MI)


Main Menu → Plant Maintenance → Maintainable Item

Maintainable Item Fig. Maintainable Item – definition schema

You can define MI as a stand-alone or associated object. In the second case, you have to link existing object in the system.

Maintainable Item

MI Code – a code of the object that will be serviced

MI Name – a maintainable Item name

MI Type – a hierarchical type of object

  • Location – locations are physical locations of systems, positions, and assets. A location is a place. Hierarchy rules:

    • An asset CAN NOT be a parent for a location
    • A position CAN NOT be a parent for a location
    • A system CAN NOT be a parent for a location
    • A location can only have one location as a parent
  • System – a collection of positions and/or assets that work together so that all parts are affected when one part goes down. Hierarchy rules:

    • An asset CAN NOT be a parent for a system
    • A position CAN NOT be a parent for a system
    • A system can have only one system as a parent
    • A system can have only one location as a parent
  • Position – functional positions for assets. Used for tracking maintenance to specific positions within a structure. Hierarchy rules:

    • A position can have only one parent that is an asset
    • A position can have only one parent that is a position
    • A position can have only one parent that is a system
    • A position can have only one location as a parent
  • Asset – equipment is entities where you store data and create work orders. An asset is a base unit of equipment. They are the smallest tracking unit. Hierarchy rules:

    • An asset can have only one parent that is an asset
    • An asset can have only one parent that is in a position
    • An asset can have only one parent that is a system
    • An asset can have only one location as a parent

MI Class – the system allows you to separate entities into groups. For example, you can assign classes to Maintainable Items and then give all air conditioning units a class of "HVAC." Please see here

MI Category – you can use categories to provide a way to organize pieces of equipment further. For example, if a class is defined for motors, create a category for motor types and sizes. Since an Object Class is a large group of similar things, think of Object Categories as sub-sets of Object Classes. Please see here

Status – select a code for the MI status: Awaiting purchase, Purchased/in-store, In-store, In repair, To be repaired, Withdrawn, Installed, In transit

Commission Date – date of installation

Withdrawal Date – enter the date on which the equipment is withdrawn from service

Parent MI Code – parent MI in hierarchy accordingly to rules. You can check the hierarchy of MIs by RMBM option - MIs Structure Report. Please see here

Parent MI Name – a name of parent MI

Parent MI Type – a hierarchical type of parent MI

Dependent – if select, the resource is dependent on the parent asset. If in the MO checkbox, MI Excluded is selected, MO's header MI is not available for production. MO's time is excluded from the scheduling, visible as a grey bar on Gantt Chart - resource view. The MO in status: scheduled, started, released. If the MI is a parent for another MI, and in the child MI definition Dependent = Yes, then excluded time is visible on Gantt for the child MI (Resource). It works this way down the MIs structure.

Example: Maintenance order on Gantt Chart

Assigned Object – if the checkbox is checked, then an object from the system can be 1 to 1 linked with MI

  • Resource link

    Resource Link

    Resource Code – a resource code and Type (Machine, Tool)

    Resource Name – description form the resource record

    Resource Name

  • Item link – Item managed by Serial numbers with defined Equipment Card (option)

    MI PM

    Item Code/Revision – when you select Item Code from the list system automatically populates Revision and Item Name.

    Item Name – Item name

    Apparatus Type – you can select one of the three types: Meter, Tool, Part

    Equipment Card – equipment card associated with a serial number (Main Menu/Service/Equipment Card)

    EQ Card

  • Item defined as Fixed Asset

    Fixed Asset – ProcessForce Fixed Asset Code

    Description – description from Fixed Asset record

    MI-EQ Item Master Data

Classification – Classes and Categories


Main Menu/Administration/Setup/Plant Maintenance/Classes

You can define classes for different entities type, for example: Maintainable Item, Maintenance Order Template, Material List, etc.


Code – class code

Description – class name

Entity – the entity for which the class is defined

Out of Service – select to prevent the class from being displayed in lookups


Main Menu/Administration/Setup/Plant Maintenance/Categories

For a specified class, you can define categories.


Code – category code

Description – category name

Entity – the entity for which the category is defined

Class Code – a class for which the category is defined

Out of Service – select to prevent the category from being displayed in lookups

MI Details tab

MI Details

Branch – you can select a Branch from those defined in the system

Department – the organizational unit to which the MI is assigned

Assigned By – a name of supervisor

Assigned To – a name of an employee responsible for it

Fixed Asset No. – ProcessForce Fixed Asset Code to which the MI is assigned, select from the list

Plant Maintenance Inactive (only for information purposes)

Inactive – you can mark MI as inactive

Inactive Start – enter the date on which the inactive period starts

Inactive End – enter the date on which the inactive period ends

Occurrence – select repetition period

Example: MI is inactive (Inactive=Yes) – reserved for maintenance each month (Occurrence) from 10th (Inactive Start) to 12th (Inactive End)

Meter Characteristics – fields active if MI is defined as Apparatus Type = Meter. Please see here

Meter Unit – a meter unit of measure (Main Menu/Administration/Setup/Stock Management)

Maximum Value – the meter can reach maximum value before it exceeds its physical count limit and resets to zero. Enter 0 if the meter does not have a maximum limit.

Input Current Value – noneditable. You can enter values via the Meter Reading document (RMBM option Physical Meter Value Setting/Correction). The option is active if the meter is not assigned to any MI/EM.

Numbers of Turns Over – noneditable. You can enter values via the Meter Reading document (RMBM option Physical Meter Value Setting/Correction). Option active if the meter is not assigned to any MI/EM

Frozen Parameters – if the checkbox is checked, Meter Characteristics fields (Meter Unit and Maximum Value) are not editable

Reading – last reading value (from Meter Reading document)

Current Usage – usage from the last installation (calculated)

Total Usage – usage since first installation (calculated)

Reading Document No. – last Meter Reading document

Assigned to MI – MI, to which the meter is linked via Effective Meter

Assigned to EM – Effective Meter to which the meter is assigned

Effective Meters tab

Effective Meter is a relationship between a Meter Unit and an Object and is described by Effective Meter Type. This relationship is defined to record the cumulative usage of an object throughout its operational life, regardless of how many times a corresponding physical meter resets or is replaced. This cumulative usage or effective meter reading, updated from readings taken from a physical meter, always increases over time – it never resets (e.g., in physical physical meter, always increases over time – it never resets (e.g., like in a meter that counts up to 999 that resets to 000 after reaching one unit more than 999)). A physical meter can only be linked to one effective meter at a time.


Fig. Hierarchy of Maintainable Items with Effective Meters and linked Physical Meters

Effective Meter

EM Type – a type of effective meter here

Type Name – the name of EM Type

Meter Unit – the unit of measure for the Effective Meter

Inherited – if the checked readings are calculated and propagated based on readings from the parent Effective Meter with the same EM Type, it is impossible to enter direct meter readings. Linking of Physical Meter is not possible

Physical Meter MI Code – select the code of the physical meter, if any. MIs with Apparatus Type= Meter, Meter Unit (Physical Meter) = Meter Unit (EM Type) are available. Physical Meter can be linked to one of the MI's Effective Meter just by right-clicking on the Effective Meter a choose "Physical Meter Connection."

Entry Type – reading input mode:

Reading – user enters the current meter reading Difference – user enters the difference between the last reading and the current reading


After the first reading, it is impossible to change this type. If a physical meter is linked, only Reading mode is available.

Last Reading – previous reading value

Reading – current reading value from the newest Meter Reading document

Derived Reading – calculated reading according to Entry Type

Total Usage – cumulative usage of an object throughout its operational life

Usage Since Install – cumulative use of an object throughout its operational life in the current installation

Meter Reading No. – the last meter reading document

Maintenance Order No. – maintenance order associated with meter reading document

Last Reading Date – date of the last meter reading

Aspect Point – user can choose Aspect Point defined for the MI

Description – description of the Aspect Point

Definition of EM Type and Physical Meter


Main Menu/Administration/Setup/Plant Maintenance/EM Types

You can define the Effective Meter Type (EM Type), then assign this EM Type to the MI. The same EM Type you can use many times for different MIs.

EM Types

EM Type – a type of Effective Meter

Type Name – the name of EM Type

Entry Type – reading input mode:

Reading – user enters the current meter reading

Difference – user enters the difference between the last reading and the current reading

Meter Unit – the unit of measure for the Effective Meter (Main Menu/Administration/Setup/Stock Management/Units of Measure)

Meter Reading

You can enter Meter Reading directly for MI’s EM Type, or you can do this via Physical Meter. To do this, you must first define the Physical Meter as an MI with Apparatus Type = Meter. Please see here

You can open the Meter Reading document from MI Master Data (RMBM Option Meter Reading on the line with EM Type) or Maintenance Order (RMBM Option Meter Reading on the line with Checkpoint in Checklist)

In general, it is possible to open a Meter Reading document as an RMBM option from:

MI Master Data (for Physical Meter not assigned to any MI/EM)

  • Physical Meter value Setting/Correction

MI Master Data (RMBM Option on the line in tab Effective Meters)

  • Meter Reading
  • Effective Meter Reading Correction (for EM without assigned PM)
  • Physical Meter/Effective Meter Reading Correction (for EM with assigned PM)
  • Physical Meter Disconnection
  • Physical Meter Connection

Maintenance Order (RMBM Option in tab Task/Checklist on Checkpoint with Type=Meter Reading)

  • Meter Reading

Meter Readings


Series – an assigned document series

MI Code – a MI Code for which readings are performed

Entry Type – choose one of the following entry types:

  • Reading – enter the current meter value
  • Difference – enter the difference between the last reading and the current reading value

Reading – enter the meter reading value or difference

Last Value – reading from the previous Meter Reading document

Last Reading Document – Meter Reading document for the Last Value

Maintenance Order – Maintenance Order for the current reading

Number of Turns Over – for a physical meter with a Maximum Value > 0

Calculated Current Value – calculated meter value after the current reading

Date/Time – the date and time of the meter reading

Physical Meter MI Code – MI Code defined for the Physical Meter

Maximum Value – PM maximum value from MI Master Data

Meter – effective or physical

EM Type – meter type to which the physical meter is linked

Meter Unit – meter unit for meter type

Status – Started, Calculated, Propagated, Closed

Reading's Inheritance (reading propagation according to MI structure)

Level – level in inheritance hierarchy by MI structure

MI Code – MI Code for which reading calculation is performed

EM Type – EM Type for which reading calculation is performed

Meter Unit – EM Type's meter unit

Reading – value calculated according to Entry Type

Derived Reading – calculated according to the Logic of Meter Reading Process

Total Usage – calculated according to the Logic of Meter Reading Process

Usage Since Install – calculated according to Logic of Meter Reading Process

Calculated Total Usage – calculated according to the Logic of the Meter Reading Process

Calculated Usage Since Install – calculated according to the Logic of Meter Reading Process

Checkpoint Details

Please check the Checkpoint Template definition here.


Calculate – based on entered reading value in the header, the Calculated Total Usage and Calculated Usage Since Install is calculated.

Propagate – calculated values are propagated Total Usage and Usage Since Install (before that document has to be added)

Close Document – after that, it is impossible to redo Calculate & Propagate.

The logic of the Meter Reading Process

Meter Readings Process


  1. Reading the value of the Meter for EM Type with Inherited=No:
    Save in Meter Reading header reading value with other information about the Reading.

    1. If Physical Meter is not assigned to EM Type: Calculate: Derived Reading, Total Usage, and Usage Since Install for Effective Meter.
      Save information about reading and calculated values to Effective Meter Reading History (Report)

      1. Save information about reading and calculated values in Meter Readings/tab Reading's Inheritance (0 Level).
      2. Update information in MI Master Data/tab Effective Meters for proper EM Type: Reading, Derived Reading, Total Usage, Usage Since Install, Last Reading Date
    2. If Physical Meter is assigned to MI-EM Type: Calculate: Derived Reading, Total Usage, and Current Usage for Physical Meter.
      Save information about reading and calculated values to Physical Meter Reading History (Report)

      1. Calculate Derived Reading, Total Usage, and Usage Since Install for Effective Meter.
        Save information about reading to Effective Meter Reading History (Report)
      2. Save Derived Reading, Total Usage, and Current Usage for Physical Meter in MI Master Data (Physical Meter/Meter Characteristics)
      3. Save information about reading and calculated values in Meter Readings/tab Reading's Inheritance (0 Level)
  2. For each child EM with Inherited=Yes spread down in MI hierarchy Derived Reading
    Calculate Total Usage and Usage Since Install for each EM Type. Save information about reading and calculated values to Effective Meter Reading History (Report)

    1. Save information about reading and calculated values to Meter Readings/tab Reading's Inheritance (other Levels than 0)
    2. Update information in MI Master Data/tab Effective Meters for proper EM Type: Reading, Derived Reading, Total Usage, Usage Since Install, Last Reading Date

A – Meter Readings header's lines with Reading's Inheritances

B – Maintainable Item Master Data header's (tab Effective Meters) lines with Effective Meters

Reading’s Calculation


Reading's Inheritance

Reading Inheritance

Inspection Points tab

Points tab


Point – the inspection point ID

Description – describe the inspection point.

Point Type – inspection point type (please check here) to associate with the MI. The system automatically populates the point type description, Class, and Class Description.

Class, Description – classification, please see here.

MES IP Code, MES IP Description, MES IP Class, MES IP Category – agreed on the ID of the Inspection Point between MES and ProcessForce (during the integration process). Please check here.

Point Type


Main Menu/Administration/Plant Maintenance/Inspection Setup/Points

Inspection Point Type is a group of similar inspection points. Example: for a vehicle, there are tires, brakes, headlights, etc.; for a pipe, the point type could be a tee or a weld.

Inspection Points Types

Code – code for Inspection Point Type

Description – descriptive information about Inspection Point Type

Class – classification, check here.

MES Inspection Point


Main Menu/Administration/Plant Maintenance/Inspection Setup/MES Inspection Points


MES Inspection Point Code – agreed on the ID of the Inspection Point between MES and ProcessForce (during the integration process)

Description – descriptive information about MES IP

Class – allows grouping MES Inspection Points Codes

Category – allows grouping MES Inspection Points Codes

Data Type:

CHARACTER [(length)] or CHAR [(length)]


NUMERIC [(p[,s])]

In – Inspection Point dedicated to reading monitored values from a device

Out – Inspection Point dedicated to sending control values to a device

MI Assignment

MI Code – MI to which the MES IP is assigned

Point – Inspection Point to which MES IP is assigned

Aspect Point – The aspect Point to which MES IP is assigned

Database assignment – the repository where the history of inspection points values is collected/stored

Server, Data Base, Table – specific data determined during the integration process

Aspects tab


Aspect – the Inspection Aspect to associate the monitored data object with. The system automatically populates the aspect's parameters: Description, A. Class, A. Class Description, UoM. Please check here.

Method – the inspection method for the aspect, as necessary. The system automatically populates the method's parameters: M. Description, M. Class, M. Class Description. Please see here

Nominal Value – starting value or normal value and unit of measure for measurements on this aspect. For example, if a new pipe wall thickness is 3 mm, the nominal value is three, and the unit of measure is mm.

Min. Extreme – the minimum extreme value beyond the operating specifications for the aspect

Min. Critical – the lowest possible value for the aspect

Min. Prev. – the minimum percentage of critical value for the aspect

Min. Std. MO – standard maintenance order to restore normal operating conditions when the minimum critical value is reached

Min. Prev. MO – preventive Maintenance Order to restore normal operating conditions when the minimum critical value is reached

Min Extr. MO – Maintenance Order when the minimum extreme value is reached

Min. Extreme (Min Extr. MO) < Min. Critical (Min. Std. MO) < Min. Prev. (Min. Prev. MO) < Nominal Value

Max. Extreme – the maximum extreme value beyond the operating specifications for the aspect

Max. Critical – the highest possible value for the aspect

Max. Prev. – the maximum percentage of critical value for the aspect

Max. Std. MO – standard Maintenance Order to restore normal operating conditions when the maximum critical value is reached

Max. Prev. MO – preventive maintenance order to restore normal operating conditions when the maximum critical value is reached

Max Extr. MO – maintenance order when the maximum extreme value is reached

Nominal Value < Max. Prev. (Max. Prev. MO) < Max. Critical (Max. Std. MO) < Max. Extr. (Max. Std. MO)



Main Menu/Plant Maintenance/Inspection Setup/Aspects

Inspection Aspects

Code – inspection aspect's code

Description – descriptive information about the aspect

Class – classification of aspects, please see here

Meter Unit – a unit of measure for the aspect

Out of Service – select to indicate the aspect that should not display in lookups.



Main Menu/Plant Maintenance/Inspection Setup/Methods

Inspection Methods

Code – code method

Description – descriptive information about the method

Class – classification of method

Aspect Points

Aspect Point Tab

Aspect Point – ID for Aspect Point

Description – descriptive information about Aspect-Point

Aspect – an inspection aspect for an inspection point. The system automatically populates the aspect definition from the Aspect tab (check here)

Point – an inspection point. The system automatically populates the point definition; please (check here)

MES IP Code – agreed on the ID of the Inspection Point between MES and PM (during the integration process). Please check MES Inspection Point here.

Method* – enter the inspection method for the aspect as necessary; please see here

Nominal Value – enter the starting value or normal value and unit of measure for measurements on this aspect point. For example, if a new pipe’s wall thickness is 3 mm, the nominal value is three, and the unit of measure is mm.

Min. Extreme – enter the minimum extreme value beyond the operating specifications for the aspect point

Min. Critical – enter the lowest possible value for the aspect point.

Min. Prev. – a minimum percentage of critical value for the aspect

Min. Std. MO – standard Maintenance Order to restore normal operating conditions when the minimum critical value is reached

Min. Prev. MO – preventive Maintenance Order to restore normal operating conditions when the minimum critical value is reached

Min Extr. MO – a Maintenance Order when the minimum extreme value is reached

Max. Extreme – maximum extreme value beyond the operating specifications for the aspect

Max. Critical – enter the highest possible value for the aspect point.

Max. Prev. - the maximum percentage of critical value for the aspect

Max. Std. MO – standard maintenance order to restore normal operating conditions when the maximum critical value is reached

Max. Prev. MO – preventive maintenance order to restore normal operating conditions when the maximum critical value is reached

Max Extr. MO – Maintenance Order when the maximum extreme value is reached

When the inspection is performed, the following logic for Aspect Point's measured Value is used.



Point – the inspection point. The system automatically populates the point definition; please see here.

Aspect – the inspection aspect for condition. The system automatically populates the aspect definition from the Aspect tab here.

Condition – the inspection condition. The system automatically populates the condition definition; please see here.

Note: Do not enter an Aspect when the Condition applies to the Point, regardless of the measured aspect.


Main Menu/Administration/Plant Maintenance/Inspection Setup/Conditions

Inspection Conditions

Code – Inspection Condition code

Description – descriptive information about Inspection Condition

Class – classification of Inspection Condition

Here is an additional example of how to define Aspects and Points for Truck Tires:

The physical place on the piece of equipment to inspect. The inspection points are the front left tire, the front right tire, the rear left tire, and the rear right tire. Example: examine tires on a van every three months for tread wear.

Aspect Example

Point (the physical location of the piece of equipment to inspect):

Tire: Front left, Front right, back left, back right

Headlight: left, right

Example Aspect

Aspect (what kind of parameter is checked):


Tread wear height

Mirror quality

Example Aspect

Aspect-Point (what kind of parameter is checked on which point):

Pressure – Tire front left

Pressure – Tire front right

Pressure – Tire back left

Pressure – Tire back right

Tread wear height – Tire front left

Tread wear height – Tire front right

Tread wear height – Tire back left

Tread wear height – Tire back right

Mirror quality – Headlight front left

Mirror quality – Headlight front right


Note: It is possible to choose a finding from the ones assigned to MI (modifying Point Type selection)


Assignment of inspection method to Aspect and Aspect-Point


Assignment of inspection conditions to Point or Point Type - Aspect
