How to set up AppEngine for Preventive Maintenance Schedule
SLD Servers Configuration
Switch the 'Background Processing Date' on SLD Servers for your company to ON.
When you do it for the first time, you can get an error saying that you must have the following statement in the Post-transaction procedure. After adding the code, you can turn the "Background Processing Date" to ON.
Plugins Configuration
Install ProcessForce and the MI360 plugin.
Activate ProcessForce and MI360 for your company.
Background Processing Configuration
Preventive Maintenance Schedule based on Time set up:
- Go to the PMScheduleTimeBasedJob background processing and activate it for your company.
Preventive Maintenance Schedule based on Meter values set up.
Go in to the PMScheduleMeterBasedJob, PMScheduleTimeBasedJob, and SEventJob background processing and activate it for your company.
Preventive Maintenance Schedule based on Time and Meter values set up:
- Go in to the PMScheduleMeterBasedJob, PMScheduleTimeBasedJob, and SEventJob background processing and activate it for your company.