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Version: 3.0


This document provides information on licensing the application, which is needed for its legal use.


A terminal on which CompuTec PDC is installed requires a connection to a server on which CompuTec License Server is Installed.

  1. Launch CompuTec Service Manager by selecting its shortcut from the Windows program list. An icon will appear in the system tray. Click on this icon to open the application.


    CompuTec Service Manager is a tool available with CompuTec License Server. You can download its latest version from the current ProcessForce Downloads page.

  2. By default, the CompuTec License Server service runs automatically after installation. If it is not running, select it from the drop-down list and click the Start button.:

    PDC Licensing

  3. Click PDC/WMS Licensing button to open the window where you can set details of CompuTec PDC licensing.

  4. To obtain a license file, the following information must be sent to CompuTec support (as described in the CompuTec PDC license request page):

    • Full Server Name – it is displayed automatically in a field marked on the screenshot below after the successful installation of the application. It indicates a specific machine that the application is installed on.

    • Terminal License Key – the value generated automatically based on the internal system information.

      CompuTec License Server

  5. In License file location: field type in or browse the path to the license file received from CompuTec support.

  6. Click the Import button to load a license from the file.

  7. One of the two communication will appear:

    • License imported successfully – license is loaded from an appropriate file.
    • License is not invalid – invalid license file loaded.
  8. After receiving the "License imported successfully" communication, information about the number of days of license validity left is displayed.

  9. Run CompuTec PDC and try to log in to it. You can check how to install, run it and log in here. Not Connected No License Assigned communication will be displayed.

  10. Reload PDC/WMS LICENSING window. After that, a new Terminal will be displayed on the License Management tab:

    Not Assigned

  11. Two values are communicated on this tab:

    • Total number of licenses – number of licenses loaded from a file,
    • Available licenses – number of licenses not assigned to any terminals.
  12. Choose a desired terminal from the list, check the checkbox to assign a license, and click update. Note that the Number of Available Licenses will decrease after starting the service, as one of the licenses will be in use.


  13. A license is now assigned to a terminal that can work with it.

  14. Terminal ID can be read in the About CompuTec PDC window, which is available under information icon on the logging panel:

    About PDC