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Version: 3.0


Here, you can find information on PDC Settings: details on what can be defined and how to assign a set of settings to a specific employee or a CompuTec PDC installation.

General Settings

You can define the settings to be taken from CompuTec PDC installation (assign just to it) or predefined settings templates (assign to a specific Employee) CompuTec PDC installation (assign just to it), or from predefined settings templates (assign to a particular Employee). The way of getting the settings can be set up in ProcessForce settings (PDC Way of Getting Settings field).

PDC Settings templates


Administration → Setup → General → PDC Settings

PDC Settings

Here, you can define and save a set of settings that can next be assigned to a specific Employee or a specific installation of CompuTec PDC. Go to the next section to check how to do this.

Most of the options are available either in ProcessForce or PDC-level level settings.

Options present only in the PDC Settings form:

  • Resource Code – if this field is filled in, users assigned with these PDC Settings will only be able to view Tasks related to a specified resource.

  • Notification after login – the text entered in this box is displayed in an additional form after logging in to the application.

  • Show Date Picker – this option allows to set amount of time in minutes (e.g., 67 minutes) instead of date and time on time registration:

    Show Date Picker

  • Localizations – weighting module-related option. Only devices from localizations listed here are available in Weighting Wizard (the weighting device, along with its localization, can be configured in CompuTec Gateway Manager). If this field is left blank, all devices will be available.

  • Resources view – click here to find out more.

  • Delay of closing dialogs(s) – here, you can set the time (in seconds) for displaying dialog windows.

Assigning PDC Settings Templates

A template can be assigned to a specific Employee.


Human Resources → Employee Master Data

Assign Settings

Click Choose from List icon to choose one of the predefined PDC Settings.