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Version: 3.0

Weighting Device Drivers

Here, you can find information on weighting device drivers: the ones available by default, and tips on creating your own.

Currently Supported Devices


  • XB320M
  • 480S/BK1200D
  • XB120A

Mettler Toledo:

  • ICS429

Avery Weigh-Tronix

  • ZM510

The devices are available to choose from the CompuTec Gateway Manager:

Gateway devices

'CT Test Weight Scale' is a test driver that generates random weighting data for test purposes.

Custom Driver Creation and Usage

It is possible to create your driver for a device not listed in the available devices list from the previous point.


If a required device is not on the list in the previous paragraph and you are unwilling or unable to create a driver, the CompuTec team can do it for you for a fee. To order such a service, please create a support ticket at CompuTec Support.

A Driver Creation

The following example is created using Microsoft Visual Studio.

  1. Create a project:


  2. Add dependencies to the provided libraries:

  3. Prepare a class of the drive:

    Class preparation

  4. Implement the methods and update them in accordance with the device requirements:

    Method implementation

You can check the class in the example driver (CT Test Weight Scale).

TestDevice.cs Source Code
using CompuTec.ProcessForce.WeightScaleBase;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Timers;
using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace Computec.TestWeightScale
[CompuTec.ProcessForce.WeightScaleBase.WeightScaleInfoAttribute("Test Weight Scale", WeightScaleComponentFullName = "CT Test Weight Scale", WeightScaleManufacturer = "CompuTec S.A.")]
public class TestDevice : CompuTec.ProcessForce.WeightScaleBase.WeightScale
public ReadModeEnum Mode { get; private set; } = ReadModeEnum.None;
public override event WeightReaded DataReaded;
public bool IsConnected = false;
public bool IsInitialize = false;
private readonly Random random = new Random();
Timer timer;
private bool IsDiagnosticMode = false;
private double valueFrom = 0;
private double valueTo = 100;
private double tareValue = 0;

protected override Result InternalChangeToGetStabileWeigth()
return new Result();

protected override Result InternalConnect()
IsConnected = true;
return new Result();

protected override Result InternalDisconnect()
IsConnected = false;
IsInitialize = false;
return new Result();

protected override Result InternalDispose()
IsConnected = false;
IsInitialize = false;
return new Result();

protected override CustomWeightScaleSettings InternalGetDefaultSettings()
var settings = new CustomWeightScaleSettings();
settings.Parameters.Add(new CustomWeightScaleSetting() { Name = "Value from", Scope = SettingScope.Machine, Value = "0" });
settings.Parameters.Add(new CustomWeightScaleSetting() { Name = "Value to", Scope = SettingScope.Machine, Value = "100" });
settings.Parameters.Add(new CustomWeightScaleSetting() { Name = "Tare value", Scope = SettingScope.Machine, Value = "0" });
return settings;

protected override string InternalGetDeviceId()
return "TEST CT Weight Scale";

protected override Result InternalInitialize(CustomWeightScaleSettings settings)
double.TryParse(settings.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Value from").Value, out valueFrom);
double.TryParse(settings.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Value to").Value, out valueTo);
double.TryParse(settings.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Tare value").Value, out tareValue);
IsInitialize = true;
timer = new Timer();
timer.Interval = 1000;
return new Result();


protected override Result InternalIsConnected()
if (IsConnected)
return new Result();
return new Result() { Errors = new List<Error>() { new Error("Not Connected Error in Test Device") } };

protected override Result InternalIsContiniousReadEnabled()
if (Mode == ReadModeEnum.Continous)
return new Result();
return new Result() { Errors = new List<Error>() { new Error("Continous Read Error in Test Device") } };

protected override Result InternalIsInitialized()
if (IsInitialize)
return new Result();
return new Result() { Errors = new List<Error>() { new Error("Not Connected Error in Test Device") } };

protected override Result InternalStartContiniousRead()
Mode = ReadModeEnum.Continous;
timer.Elapsed += Timer_Elapsed;
return new Result();

private void Timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
var next = random.NextDouble();
WeightEvArgs tempArg = new WeightEvArgs();
if (!IsDiagnosticMode)
tempArg.NetWeight = Math.Round((next * valueTo) + valueFrom, 2);
tempArg.GrossWeight = tempArg.NetWeight + tareValue;
tempArg.TarWeight = tareValue;
tempArg.UoM = "KG";
tempArg.TimeSignature = DateTime.Now;
tempArg.SerialNo = (next * 100).ToString();

DataReaded?.Invoke(this, tempArg);

protected override Result InternalStopContiniousRead()
Mode = ReadModeEnum.None;
timer.Elapsed -= Timer_Elapsed;
return new Result();

protected override Result InternalTare()
return new Result();

protected override Result InternalZero()
return new Result();

protected override Result InternalSetDiagnosticMode(bool IsEnabled)
IsDiagnosticMode = IsEnabled;
return new Result();

public enum ReadModeEnum
Continous, SingleRead, None


Once the driver is created, place it in the following directory (this is the default installation directory):

Driver directory

Now, the driver should be available in the list in CompuTec Gateway Manager (please check the top screenshot on this page).