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Version: 10.0

Revision Based Picking and Backflushing

You can find the Revision Based Picking and Backflushing function information on this page.

General Settings


General Setting → ProcessForce → Inventory → Revision based picking (manual and backflushing)

Item Details

Revision code for the Item and Batch record:

Item Details

Batch Master Data

Revision Code is recorded on the batch record.

Batch Master Data

Bill of Material

Revision Code for the Item is displayed in the bill of material form.

Bill of Materials

Pick Issue

When the Revision based picking (Manual) checkbox is checked when creating a document of one of the following types:

  • Inventory Transfer,
  • Delivery,
  • Return,
  • Return PO,
  • Pick Order,

Batches will be filtered based on Revision Code from the base document. The filtering rules are as follows:

  • If the revision code is empty or set to default, display Batches with empty and default revision code.
  • If the revision code differs from the default, display Batches with that revision code only.