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Version: 10.0

Meter Reading Scenario – Odometers in Trucks


The user wants to prepare an MO template for a cyclic reading of Odometers in trucks. Trucks have their base in a garage.

1Creation of Maintainable Items (Garage - Trucks)

Template Class/Category for Mis:

Garage: Class = Buildings, Category = Logistic

Truck: Class = Vehicles, Category = Trucks

Parent MI defined before Child MI

Parent: Garage (Type = Location),

Child (Type = Asset): Truck 01

YesStep 01
2Creation of Item Master Data for Odometer

If you want to use Physical Meter (meter linked to Effective Meter which count Total Usage for particular Item) it is obligatory to define Item Master Data managed by Serial Numbers for this Physical Meter

Item Code = Odometer

Manage Item by = Serial Numbers

YesStep 02
3GRPO for OdometersIf you want to assign Physical Meter which exists on Stock and use for its Equipment Card it is necessary to receipt it on Stock and defines Serial Number for it, and define Equipment Card for it (standard SAP Business One functionality)NoStep 03
4Creation of Equipment Card for OdometersFor Odometer existing on Stock with Serial Number. Standard B1 functionalityNoStep 04
5Definition of Unit of Measure

UoM will be used for Odometer and Effective Meter as Meter Unit (standard SAP B1 function)

UoM = Kilometers

YesStep 05
6Creation of Maintainable Items for each Truck: Odometer 01, Odometer 02, ….

MI Type = Asset

Class = Odometers Vehicles; Category = Truck Odometers


Item Code = Odometer

Assigned Objects = Yes

Item Code = Odometer

Apparatus = Meter

Equipment Card - selection from the list (if defined - optional)

MI Details Tab, Meter Characteristics

  • Frozen Parameters = No
  • Meter Unit = Kilometers
  • Maximum Value = 100 000
  • Frozen Parameters = Yes
  • Setup of starting value for Physical meter: select RMBM option Physical Meter Value Setting/Correction and enter: Reading and Number of Turns Over
  • YesStep 06
    7Definition of Effective Meter Type: Total Kilometers

    Unit of Measure = Kilometers

    Entry Type = Difference

    YesStep 07
    8Adding of Effective Meter to Truck 01

    Effective Meters Tab

    EM Type = Total Kilometers

    Entry Type = Difference

    YesStep 08
    9Creation of Truck 02, Truck 03, …RMBM option Duplicate on Truck 01YesStep 09
    10Assigning of Physical Meters (Odometers) to EM Type (Total Kilometers)For each truck assignee defined Odometers to Total Kilometers: select RMBM option Physical Meter ConnectionYesStep 10
    11Definition of Findings for MI Class/CategoryClass = Vehicles; Category = TrucksNoStep 11
    12Definition of Checkpoints Template for Aspect / Point Type

    Checkpoint Template = Total Kilometers

    Checkpoint Type = Meter Reading

    EM Type = Total Kilometers

    MI Code = Truck 01

    YesStep 12
    13Definition of Task Templates

    Task Template = Track_Total_Kilometers_reading

    Class = Trucks

    For Checklist Tab:

    - Adding of Checkpoint Template = Total Kilometers for each inspected Truck (MI Code have to be changed)

    YesStep 13
    14MO Template for Garage

    MO Template = Total_Kilometers_Trucks

    Class = Total Kilometers Vehicles; Category = Total Kilometers Trucks

    Adding of Task = rack_Total_Kilometers_reading to MO Template

    YesStep 14
    15Creation of MO based on MO TemplateNew MO based on prepared MO TemplateYesStep 15
    16Reporting of MO

    MO Status = Started

    RMBM Option Meter Reading for each Checkpoint

    YesStep 16

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