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Version: 10.0

PM Schedule Activation-Deactivation: General Conditions

  1. All PM Schedules from a given form can be disabled by selecting in the form's header the checkbox "Out of Service".
  2. A given PM Schedule in a line can be disabled by selecting the checkbox "Out of Service".
  3. The PM Schedule is active if
            Starting Date < = Current Date < = Deactivated Date

The conditions for generating an order can be based on the passage of time or meter readings assigned to a given MI using EM Type. We have two modes: Time-Based and Meter Based, and two basic types: Fixed and Variable.

In the Fixed type, we have a constant interval in which MOs are generated. In the Variable type, the interval is variable.


In the Fixed type, we have a constant interval in which MOs are generated. In the Variable type, the interval is variable.