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Version: 2.0

Scenario Management View

From this view, it is possible to create a new scenario as well as work on previously created ones. You can also filter them by their status.

Bulk Changes on Bills of Materials Scenario Management View

Scenario statuses:

  • New – a scenario that is in the edition mode. After editing a previously created scenario, it always gets the New status

  • Processing – a temporary status. A scenario gets it when it is being processed. After changing status, e.g. from New to Prepared. Starting and finishing of the processing is communicated to a user by a related system message:

    Bulk Changes on Bills of Materials Scenario Management View

  • Prepared – a scenario ready to be used. It is possible to check this scenario's proposed bulk changes In the scenario details, in Proposed Changes tab.

    Bulk Changes on Bills of Materials Scenario Management View

  • Executed – a scenario that was realized. You can get more information about success of failure of the execution in the scenario's details, Proposed changes tab.

    Bulk Changes on Bills of Materials Scenario Management View