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Version: 2.0

Current Task Flow vs. Gantt Chart

Here, you can find information on scenario definition.

Add New View

The 'Add new view' function is used to define scenarios. It It allows to filter elements displayed on the Gantt chart, to display just specific ones. It is possible to divide Resources into Departments, types of machines.

Clickhere to know more.

Change Scope Tabs

It is possible to change the graph display view. Features are as follows:

  • Refresh interval in minutes – possibility to change the frequency of refreshing the progress of manufacturing orders:

Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

  • Display details – click on a Task to view its details. Possibility to check details broken down into:

Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

  • Show quick view – the ability to view the details of the operation of a given Manufacturing Order. The information is shown in the form of a window that appears when you hover over the Task: Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

  • Zoom – increase or decrease the detail of the display results: Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

  • List Legend – describes the displayed colours and characters: Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

  • Settings - Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

    • Indicate Current Time – show current time on view Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

    • Show Cursor Line – shows the time of a place on the graph pointed by a cursor: Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

    • Show Divider Lines – shows a time division grid: Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

    • Show Ad Hoc Lines – shows the relationship between a planned and an actual Task: Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

    • Synchronize Time Scroll – the graph returns to the current date after a specified interval in minutes.

  • Display Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

    • Table and chart: Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

    • Chart: Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

    • Table: Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart Click here to know more.

Display Details


Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

The side panel shows details of a Task flow on a Resource. The data is presented in real time, showing the current Set up Time or Run time.

Manufacturing Order

  • Manufacturing Order details (Number, Item Code, Revision, Planned and Actual Quantity, Required Date)

Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart


  • Operation details (Code, Name, Sequence, Status)

Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart


  • Resource details (Code, Name, Type)
  • Time details (start and end time of all time types) Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

Additional information

  • Additional information from a Resource

Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart

Production Process Flow

  • Graphical representation of the manufacturing process for a Manufacturing Order Current Task Flow vs Gantt Chart