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Version: 3.0


Here, you can find information on the configuration of Precisa devices to work with CompuTec PDC: tested devices, device configuration, Gateway configuration, etc.

Tested Devices

Configuration and work with CompuTec PDC have been tested and confirmed on the following Precisa models:

  • Precisa XB320M
  • Precisa BK1200D
  • Precisa XB120A

Device Configuration

  • Date and Time ON
  • Balance-ID ON
  • Product-ID ON
  • Gross and Tare ON
  • Units ON
  • Operator-ID OFF
  • Line Feed OFF

Set Interface

  • BaudRate 9600
  • Parity 8-NO-1Stop
  • Handshake NO
  • PC Direct Mode OFF

Set Date And Time

  • Date [DD.MM.YY]

Configuration in CompuTec Gateway Manager

  • Scale name – for example, “Precisa XB320M”
  • Localization – for example “MG11”
  • Barcode – for example “123456”
  • Tolerance – format NUMBER[UoM] for example 0.001g
  • Range From – format NUMBER[UoM] for example 0.2g
  • Range To – format NUMBER[UoM] for example 300g
  • Session Life Time (s) – left default 900
  • Port – the same as the device
  • Parity – the same as the device
  • BaudRate – the same as the device
  • Handshake – the same as the device
  • Data bits – the same as the device
  • Stop bits – the same as the device

Regular Expression
