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Version: 10.0

Batch Traceability

ProcessForce Batch traceability function allows one to trace Item Batches throughout all their life in a company: from production (or purchase), being a part of a production process of another item, to delivery to a client. Instant access to Batch records is handy, e.g., in complaint management or recall process.


Inventory → Item Management → Batches → Batch Traceability


You can reach ProcessForce Batch Traceability by:

  • Modules Menu (check the path above)
  • Transaction tab on the Complaint form, right-click on a Batch. Complaint -> Batch Traceability

Click here to find out more about the Complaint function.

  • Batch Master Data form the context menu. Batch Master Data -> Batch Traceability

Click here to find out more about Batch Master Data.

Opening Batch Trace Visualization Form

After opening the Batch Traceability function, Batch Traceability. Selection Criteria will open.

Choose Item Code from a list:

Selection Criteria 1

Choose a Batch from a list. Only Batches of chosen Item will be displayed:

Selection Criteria 2

Click the OK button to confirm the choice. A batch Trace Visualization form will be displayed.

Batch Trace Visualization

ProcessForce Batch Traceability function is operated from the Batch Trace Visualization form:

Trace Visualization

On this chart, specific Batches are represented by boxes with their details. Boxes can be moved by drag-and-drop.

You can zoom in or out of the view using a mouse roll or a scroll bar.

Data included on Batch boxes:

  • Batch status icon:
    • arrow – released,
    • x – not accessible,
    • exclamation mark – locked.
  • Description
  • Quantity – if it is negative, it indicates the quantity that was used in a production process,
  • UoM – Unit of Measurement,
  • Type – indicates if an item was produced or purchased,
  • Manufacturing Date – if the Item was produced (not purchased),
  • Expiry Date,
  • Batch – Batch name.


Right-click on a specific box to see all activities and transactions connected to the Batch:

Transactions Details

Click the yellow arrow in a specific document row to get more information about it.

Going Forward

In Batch Trace Visualization form shows what a specific Item was made of. It is looking back on every batch used in a production process to the point of a chosen Item.

You can also choose a Batch and go forward to see where the Items from a specific Batch were used. To do that, hold Control and right-click a desired Batch.

Forward 1

Forward 2