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Version: 10.0

Pick by Operation

You can find information on the Pick by Operation function on this page.

Issue to Operation

  • Select the Issue to Operations from the context menu on Manufacturing Order,

  • This menu option will only be displayed if there is an Item linked to an Operation (you can check how to do this here ),

  • If an Item is not linked to an Operation, this menu will not be displayed.

    Issue for Operations

  • A List of Operations with linked Items will be displayed,

  • Select a single or multiple row,

  • Note the Operation Status is based on the Operations Tab and Time Bookings,

  • Pick Status displays the progress of Picking,

  • Valid values are:

    • Not Picked,
    • Partially Picked (status changes when a Pick Issue has been created),
    • Finished.


Pick Order

  • Pick Order form opens and displays the Items based on the selected Operation,
  • Operation Code and Name are recorded as a reference,
  • Perform the Pick Order process as normal.

Operation code and name

Pick Status

  • When a Pick Order has been created and Items have been partially picked, the Picked Status will change to Picked.

    Operation Picked

  • When Picking is complete the Picked Status will change to Finished.

    Operation Finished

Operation Picking Status

  • Open the Operation Bind Form to view a summary of the Operation Picking.

    Open Operation Bind Form

  • Planned and Actual Quantities are displayed.

    Planned and Actual Quantities