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Version: 10.0

Inventory tab

This tab enables you to configure advanced settings for various inventory parameters, including Batch and Serial Numbers management, Issue Methods, and Quality Control Settings.

Inventory Tab

Batch generated when Manufacturing Order – if checked, you can choose one of the four options from a drop-down list to allocate a batch number when creating a Manufacturing Order or changing its status:

  • on creating MOR (not possible to use %MORDN% parameter in a template due to performance issues)
  • on changing status to Scheduled
  • on changing status to Released
  • on changing status to Started.

Default template for batches, Default templates for serial numbers – it can be chosen from a list. Click here to check how to create a new Batch or Serial Number template.

Expiry date settings:

  • Expiry Evaluation Type can be set by a specific date (current, start, required, end, create) or by a template. A template can be chosen from a list or modified (if it is already created). The Expiry Eval Template field is active when the Expiry Eval Template value is selected in the Expiry Eval Type field. Click here to find out more about Expiry Evaluation Type Templates.

  • A default expiry alert can be set in the Warning Prior Expiry Days field. It will be displayed a given number of days before the expiry date. It is only available when the Expiry Date check box is checked. Click here to find out more.

  • A default consumes alert can be set in Warning Prior Consume Days. It will be displayed a given number of days before the Consume Date. It is only available when Consume Date check box is checked.

  • Note that only one of these options can be active at a time: either Expiry Date or Consume By Date.

Shelf Life Interval – a period used to calculate the expiry date automatically. E.g., if Shelf Life Interval is set to 30 days and a Batch record is made on June 1st, the Expiry date will be automatically charged to June 30th.

Inspection interval – a period between consecutive inspections. After each period, an alert about the Inspection is activated.

Manual Issue Type, Backflush Issue Type – consumption rules during manual picking and backflushing when the Batch status is locked and/or non-accessible. You can find information about it here.

Default Batch Status for SAP Business One and ProcessForce receipt documents:

  • Released, Locked, or Not Accessible

  • If the status for a Batch is set to Not Accessible or Locked, a system message about this will be displayed before issuing this batch for production.

  • Click here to find out more.

Default Quality Control Status for SAP Business One ProcessForce receipt-based documents:

Failed, On Hold, Inspection, Passed, and Quality Control Testing options are available.

Click here to find out more.

Batch Queue Type – a type of queue used by default with batches:

  • FIFO – First In, First Out
  • FEFO – First Expired First Out
  • FMFO – First Manufactured First Out.

Manual Issue Behavior

Backflush Issue Behavior

Default Quality Control Status for SAP Receipt Documents

Default Quality Control Status for ProcessForce Receipt Documents

Revision Based Picking and Backflushing

Issue Residual Quantity on next Good Receipts when possible – if the option is checked, then during the following Goods Receipt for the same Manufacturing Order, the system will attempt to reissue all rows with the Backflush issue type where the Residual Quantity is greater than zero and there is a quantity to issue (because it was not available in stock during previous receipts).

AutoAllocate Batches on Pick Order Include: Specifies which documents should be analyzed for Batch Allocation when using the Auto Select and Auto Select All actions.

  • None – no documents are taken under consideration
  • On other document – takes under consideration allocations from Pick Orders
  • Allocated – takes under consideration allocations from Sales Orders
  • Both – takes under consideration allocations from Pick Orders and Sales Orders

On Material Selection Overwrite Action – This setting relates to the previous point and determines the system's response when manually selecting Batches/Serials exceeds the available unallocated quantity. Options include: Allow, Warn, Block.

Show decision Message Box during manual allocate Batches – When selected, a warning is displayed if you manually choose Batches/Serials in an order different than suggested by Selector.

Don't use corrected Fixed Backflush – If this checkbox is selected, the receipt from production functions correctly even if we receive more Final Goods than planned. If this checkbox is not selected and we receive more than planned, it backflushes the entire planned quantity again.

Use Header dimensions for backflushed inv. items