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Version: 2.0

Log Files

Here is the detailed information on the locations of logs for CompuTec WMS:

1. Server logs

  • Logs: C:\ProgramData\CompuTec\CompuTec WMS\Server\Logs
  • TimeLog: C:\ProgramData\CompuTec\CompuTec WMS\Server\TimeLog

2. Service manager

Here, you will find logs regarding the installation of CompuTec WMS objects.

  • Logs: C:\ProgramData\CompuTec\ServiceManager\Logs

3. Client

a. Client (legacy)

  • Logs: C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\Local\CompuTec\CompuTec WMS\Client\Logs
  • TimeLog: C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\Local\CompuTec\CompuTec WMS\Client\TimeLog

b. Client Desktop or Android

  • Client Logs on Server: C:\ProgramData\CompuTec\CompuTec WMS\Server\Logs\ClientLogs

You can send logs from the client to the server (does not apply to legacy version)

Log Files Log Files Log Files Log Files

4. Enabling additional logs

To log additional execution details by WMS:

  • Navigate to:

    C:\Program Files\CompuTec\CompuTec WMS Server or C:\Program Files (x86)\CompuTec\CompuTec WMS Server

  • Open the configuration file:

    Log Files

  • Add the following code to enable detailed query logging

    <target xsi:type="File" name="fileEventLogForQueries" fileName="${specialfolder:folder=CommonApplicationData}\CompuTec\ProcessForce\Logs\queries ${shortdate}.log" layout=" ${time} ${message} ${stacktrace:format=DetailedFlat:topFrames=5}" />
    <logger name="QueryNLogger" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="fileEventLogForQueries" />

    in the below file:

    Log Files

  • Upload the log file from:


    Log Files

5. Additionally, you can view the log from Microsoft Event Viewer

Logs can also be viewed using the Microsoft Event Viewer for more detailed system logs and diagnostics