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Version: 2.0

Mettler Toledo Weight Scale Configuration

To correctly configure a weight scale, it is required to create a Template and assign it to the weight scale. Next, it is required to choose a work Mode for the scales and finally assign the Template to the scale work Mode.

Defining a Template

  • Go to the 'Communication' option in the menu

  • Choose the 'Define Template' option

  • Choose Template 1 and set up what will be pointed/sent by the weight scale. Set up the following details:

    • Line 1: Date
    • Line 2: Time
    • Line 3: Gross
    • Line 4: Net
    • Line 5: Tare
    • Line 6: SNo. Terminal.

    Mettler Toledo

    Mettler Toledo

    Mettler Toledo

    Mettler Toledo

    Mettler Toledo

    Mettler Toledo

Choosing a Mode for Weight Scales

  • Go to the 'Communication' option in the menu
  • choose 'COM2'
  • choose 'Mode'
  • choose 'Continuous print.'

Mettler Toledo

Assigning the Defined Template to the Weight Scales

  • Choose the 'Application' option from the menu.
  • choose the 'Straight weighing' option.
  • choose 'Printout;
  • choose 'COM2'
  • choose 'COM2' again
  • choose a Template name of the Template that was defined in the first step ('Template 1' in this example)
  • click OK to save the changes.

Mettler Toledo

Mettler Toledo

Mettler Toledo

Mettler Toledo

Mettler Toledo

The weight scales are correctly configured and ready to work with CompuTec Gateway and CompuTec WMS 2.0.