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Version: 2.0

New Goods Receipt PO

  1. Choose the Goods Receipt PO option from the main menu:

    Main Menu

  2. Choose the corresponding option from the Goods Receipt PO Operations menu.

    Main Menu

  3. Choose a Supplier (the Warehouse choosing is skipped now).


  4. A blank Document Details form is open (along with the Warehouse not selected information):


  5. Choose a Warehouse by scanning a barcode (with the 92 prefix) or by choosing it manually (to do it, click the Warehouse not selected info).

    Warehouse and Bin

  6. You can also skip the previous step and add a Warehouse for each Item/SU: A. Adding an Item without a previously chosen Warehouse:


    Details B. Adding an SU without a previously chosen Warehouse:




  7. An SU has been added to the document. Now you can add Items to it (manually or by scanning a barcode).

    Document details

  8. To this SU, you can add a child SU:

    Document details

    Document details

  9. The child a slight dent marks SU:


  10. You can also add an existing SU.

    Document Details

  11. The previous existing SU is highlighted in yellow:

    Document Details

  12. You can add Items and SUs to this and other SUs. You can switch between SUs by scanning their SU Code or SSCC:

    Document Details

  13. After leaving the SU adding mode (the Warehouse number displayed on the top of the form), you can check the line details (Quantity, SU, or lack of SU).

    Document Details

    Document Details

  14. Click the SU to check what elements (Items, SUs) have already been added to the document. In the previously existing SU, you can see only Items added within the current document - not the whole content of the SU.

    A. An SU with Items: Details

    B. A parent SU with a child SU: Details

  15. Now you can check the document details:


  16. Now you can check the Remarks and Save the document (the lower right icon):
