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Version: 2.0


Many of CompuTec WMS functions can be operated by scanning barcodes. Here, you can find information on barcode scanning.

Barcodes Physical Attributes

The minimal and maximal size of supported barcodes depends on scanner attributes.

CompuTec WMS supports every barcode standard as long as it is recognizable for a scanner used with the application.

In the case of using USB scanners (with desktop applications, e.g., on PCs or tablets), it is required to configure prefixes additionally.

GS1 Standard - CompuTec Decoder

GS1 Barcode Standard is supported by adjusting it to CompuTec WMS (see the table below). Full implementation of the standard is planned for future releases. To use CompuTec WMS-adapted GS1 standard coding, choose the right option in the Server options.

Barcodes Creation

Barcodes created to be supported by WMS have to have specific prefixes. A particular prefix is recognized only in a corresponding WMS screen; e.g., a barcode with a warehouse prefix will be recognized only when scanned on the WMS warehouse selection screen.

AIChar countDescriptionGS1BarcodeDecoder AISupported AI
0018Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)GS1SSCCSSCC
0114Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)GS1GTINGTIN
0214GTIN of Contained Trade ItemsGS1GTINInLogisticUnitGTINInLogisticUnit
101 to 20Batch or Lot NumberGS1BatchNoBatchNumber
116Production Date (YYMMDD)GS1ManufacturingDateProductionDate
126Due Date (YYMMDD)GS1DueDateDueDate
136Packaging Date (YYMMDD)GS1PackagingDatePackagingDate
156Best Before Date (YYMMDD)GS1BestBeforeBestBefore
166Last Offer Date (YYMMDD)GS1LastOfferDateLastOfferDate
176Expiration Date (YYMMDD)GS1ExpiryDateExpiryDate
202Variant NumberGS1VariantNumberVariantNumber
211 to 20Serial NumberGS1SerialNoSerialNumber
301 to 8Variable Measure Trade Item – Count of ItemsGS1VMTICountVMTICount
3101 to 8Trade UnitGS1TradeUnit*TradeUnit
371 to 8Count of Trade ItemsGS1NumberOfUnitInLogisticUnitNumberOfUnitInLogisticUnit
901 to 30Information Mutually Agreed Between Trading Partners (Including FACT DIs)GS1MutuallyAgreedInformationMutuallyAgreedInformation
911 to 30Company Internal InformationGS1CTItemCodeItemCode
921 to 30Company Internal InformationGS1CTBinOrWhsBinOrWhs
931 to 30Company Internal InformationGS1CTSUSU
941 to 30Company Internal InformationGS1CTBpCodeBP
951 to 30Company Internal InformationGS1CTQuantity*Quantity
961 to 30Company Internal InformationGS1CustomPrefix1CustomPrefix1
971 to 30Company Internal InformationGS1CustomPrefix2CustomPrefix2
981 to 30Company Internal InformationRevisionRevision
991 to 30Company Internal InformationGS1CTFilterTextFilterText
2401 to 30Additional Item IdentificationGS1AdditionalItemIdentificationAdditionalItemIdentification
2411 to 30Supplier Batch NumberGS1PartNumberPart Number
2421 to 6Made-to-Order Variation NumberGS1MadeToOrderVariationNumberMadeToOrderVariationNumber
2431 to 20Packaging Component NumberGS1PackagingComponentNumberPackagingComponentNumber
2501 to 30Secondary Serial NumberGS1SecondarySerialNumberSecondarySerialNumber
2511 to 30Reference to Source EntityGS1SourceEntityReferenceSourceEntityReference
25314 - 30Global Document Type Identifier (GDTI)GS1DocNoDocNum/DocEntry
2541 to 20GLN Extension ComponentGS1GLNExtensionComponentGLNExtensionComponent
25514 - 25Global Coupon Number (GCN)GS1GCNGCN
3100-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Net weight [kilograms]GS1VMTINetWeightInKilogramsVMTINetWeightInKilograms
3110-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Length or first dimension [metres]GS1VMTIFirstDimensionInMetersVMTIFirstDimensionInMeters
3120-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Width, diameter, or second dimension [metres]GS1VMTISecondDimensionInMetersVMTISecondDimensionInMeters
3130-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [metres]GS1VMTIThirdDimensionInMetersVMTIThirdDimensionInMeters
3140-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Area [square metres]GS1VMTIAreaSquareInMetersVMTIAreaSquareInMeters
3150-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Net volume [litres]GS1VMTINetVolumeInLitresVMTINetVolumeInLitres
3160-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Net volume [cubic metres]GS1VMTINetVolumeCubicInMetersVMTINetVolumeCubicInMeters
3200-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Net weight [pounds]GS1VMTINetWeightInPoundsVMTINetWeightInPounds
3210-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Length or first dimension [inches]GS1VMTIFirstDimensionInInchesVMTIFirstDimensionInInches
3220-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Length or first dimension [feet]GS1VMTIFirstDimensionInFeetVMTIFirstDimensionInFeet
3230-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Length or first dimension [yards]GS1VMTIFirstDimensionInYardsVMTIFirstDimensionInYards
3240-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Width, diameter, or second dimension [inches]GS1VMTISecondDimensionInInchesVMTISecondDimensionInInches
3250-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Width, diameter, or second dimension [feet]GS1VMTISecondDimensionInFeetVMTISecondDimensionInFeet
3260-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Width, diameter, or second dimension [yards]GS1VMTISecondDimensionInYardsVMTISecondDimensionInYards
3270-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [inches]GS1VMTIThirdDimensionInInchesVMTIThirdDimensionInInches
3280-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [feet]GS1VMTIThirdDimensionInFeetVMTIThirdDimensionInFeet
3290-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [yards]GS1VMTIThirdDimensionInYardsVMTIThirdDimensionInYards
3300-56Logistic – weight [kilograms]GS1LogisticWeightInKilogramsLogisticWeightInKilograms
3310-56Logistic – length or first dimension [metres]GS1LogisticFirstDimensionInMetersLogisticFirstDimensionInMeters
3320-56Logistic – width, diameter, or second dimension [metres]GS1LogisticSecondDimensionInMetersLogisticSecondDimensionInMeters
3330-56Logistic – depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [metres]GS1LogisticThirdDimensionInMetersLogisticThirdDimensionInMeters
3340-56Logistic – area [square metres]GS1LogisticAreaInSquareMetersLogisticAreaInSquareMeters
3350-56Logistic – volume [litres]GS1LogisticVolumeInLitresLogisticVolumeInLitres
3360-56Logistic – volume [cubic metres]GS1LogisticVolumeInCubicMetersLogisticVolumeInCubicMeters
3370-56Kilograms per square metre [KG / m²]GS1LogisticKilogramsPerSquareMetersLogisticKilogramsPerSquareMeters
3400-56Logistic – weight [pounds]GS1LogisticWeightInPoundsLogisticWeightInPounds
3410-56Logistic – length or first dimension [inches]GS1LogisticFirstDimensionInInchesLogisticFirstDimensionInInches
3420-56Logistic – length or first dimension [feet]GS1LogisticFirstDimensionInFeetLogisticFirstDimensionInFeet
3430-56Logistic – length or first dimension [yards]GS1LogisticFirstDimensionInYardsLogisticFirstDimensionInYards
3440-56Logistic – width, diameter, or second dimension [inches]GS1LogisticSecondDimensionInInchesLogisticSecondDimensionInInches
3450-56Logistic – width, diameter, or second dimension [feet]GS1LogisticSecondDimensionInFeetLogisticSecondDimensionInFeet
3460-56Logistic – width, diameter, or second dimension [yard]GS1LogisticSecondDimensionInYardsLogisticSecondDimensionInYards
3470-56Logistic – depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [inches]GS1LogisticThirdDimensionInInchesLogisticThirdDimensionInInches
3480-56Logistic – depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [feet]GS1LogisticThirdDimensionInFeetLogisticThirdDimensionInFeet
3490-56Logistic – depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [yards]GS1LogisticThirdDimensionInYardsLogisticThirdDimensionInYards
3500-56Area, square [inches] (Variable Measure Trade Item)GS1VMTIAreaInSquareInchesVMTIAreaInSquareInches
3510-56Area, square [feet] (Variable Measure Trade Item)GS1VMTIAreaInSquareFeetVMTIAreaInSquareFeet
3520-56Area, square [yards] (Variable Measure Trade Item)GS1VMTIAreaInSquareYardsVMTIAreaInSquareYards
3530-56Logistic – area, square [inches]GS1AreaInSquareInchesAreaInSquareInches
3540-56Logistic – area, square [feet]GS1AreaInSquareFeetAreaInSquareFeet
3550-56Logistic – area, square [yards]GS1AreaInSquareYardsAreaInSquareYards
3560-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Net weight [troy ounces]GS1VMTINetWeightInTroyOuncesVMTINetWeightInTroyOunces
3570-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Net weight (or volume) [ounces]GS1VMTINetWeightInOuncesVMTINetWeightInOunces
3600-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Net volume [quarts]GS1VMTINetVolumeInQuartsVMTINetVolumeInQuarts
3610-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Net volume [gallons U.S.]GS1VMTINetVolumeInGallonsUSVMTINetVolumeInGallonsUS
3620-56Logistic – volume [quarts]GS1LogisticVolumeInQuartsLogisticVolumeInQuarts
3630-56Logistic – volume [gallons U.S.]GS1LogisticVolumeInGallonsUSLogisticVolumeInGallonsUS
3640-56ariable Measure Trade Item – Net volume [cubic inches]GS1VMTINetVolumeInCubicInchesVMTINetVolumeInCubicInches
3650-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Net volume [cubic feet]GS1VMTINetVolumeInCubicFeetVMTINetVolumeInCubicFeet
3660-56Variable Measure Trade Item – Net volume [cubic yards]GS1VMTINetVolumeInCubicYardsVMTINetVolumeInCubicYards
3670-56Logistic – volume [cubic inches]GS1LogisticVolumeInCubicInchesLogisticVolumeInCubicInches
3680-56Logistic – volume [cubic feet]GS1LogisticVolumeInCubicFeetLogisticVolumeInCubicFeet
3690-56Logistic – volume [cubic yards]GS1LogisticVolumeInCubicYardsLogisticVolumeInCubicYards
3900-51 to 15Applicable Amount Payable, local currencyGS1ApplicableAmountPayableLocalCurrencyApplicableAmountPayableLocalCurrency
3910-54 to 18Applicable Amount Payable with ISO 4217 Currency CodeGS1ApplicableAmountPayableWithISOCurrencyCodeApplicableAmountPayableWithISOCurrencyCode
3920-51 to 15Variable Measure Trade Item – Applicable Amount Payable, single monetary areaGS1VTMIApplicableAmountPayableVTMIApplicableAmountPayable
3930-54 to 18Variable Measure Trade Item – Applicable Amount Payable with ISO 4217 Currency CodeGS1VTMIApplicableAmountPayableWithISOCurrencyCodeVTMIApplicableAmountPayableWithISOCurrencyCode
4001 to 30Customer's Purchase Order NumberGS1PurchaseOrderNoPurchaseOrderNo
4011 to 30Global Identification Number for Consignment (GINC)GS1GINCGINC
4021 to 17Global Shipment Identification Number (GSIN)GS1GSINGSIN
4031 to 30Routing CodeGS1RoutingCodeRoutingCode
41013Global Location Number – Ship to – Deliver toGS1GLNShipToGLNShipTo
41113Global Location Number – Bill to – Invoice toGS1GLNBillToGLNBillTo
41213Global Location Number – Purchased fromGS1GLNPurchasedItemGLNPurchasedItem
41313Global Location Number – Ship for – Deliver for – Forward toGS1GLNShipForGLNShipFor
41413Global Location Number – Identification of a Physical LocationGS1GLNPhysicalLocationIDGLNPhysicalLocationID
41513Global Location Number – Invoicing PartyGS1GLNInvoicingPartyGLNInvoicingParty
4201 to 20Ship to – Deliver to – Postal Code Within a Single Postal AuthorityGS1ShipToPostalCodeShipToPostalCode
4214 to 12Ship to – Deliver to – Postal Code with ISO 3166 Country CodeGS1ShipToPostalCodeWithCountryCodeShipToPostalCodeWithCountryCode
4223Country of Origin of a Trade ItemGS1OriginCountryOriginCountry
4234 to 15Country of Initial ProcessingGS1InitialProcessingCountryInitialProcessingCountry
4243Country of ProcessingGS1ProcessingCountryProcessingCountry
4253Country of DisassemblyGS1DisassemblyCountryDisassemblyCountry
4263Country Covering full Process ChainGS1ProcessChainCoveringCountryProcessChainCoveringCountry
4271 to 30Country Subdivision of OriginGS1OriginCountrySubdivisionOriginCountrySubdivision
700113NATO Stock Number (NSN)GS1NSNNSN
70021 to 30UN/ECE Meat Carcasses and cuts classificationGS1UNECEMeatClassificationUNECEMeatClassification
700310Expiration Date and Time (YYMMDDhhmm)GS1ExpirationDateAndTimeExpirationDateAndTime
70041 to 4Active PotencyGS1ActivePotencyActivePotency
70051 to 12Fish catch area
70066First Freeze date (RRMMDD)GS1FirstFreezeDateFirstFreezeDate
70076 to 12Harvest date (RRMMDDrrmmdd)GS1HarvestDateHarvestDate
70081 to 3Fish species
70091 to 10Fishing gear type
70101 to 2Production methodGS1ProductionMethodProductionMethod
703x1 to 27Approval Number of Processor with ISO 3166 Country CodeGS1ProcessorApprovalNumberWithCountryCode0-9ProcessorApprovalNumberWithCountryCode0-9
7101 to 20National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) – Germany PZNGS1NHRNGermanyPZNNHRNGermanyPZN
7111 to 20National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) – France CIPGS1NHRNFranceCIPNHRNFranceCIP
7121 to 20National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) – Spain CNGS1NHRNSpainCNNHRNSpainCN
800114Roll Products (Width, Length, Core Diameter, Direction, Splices)GS1RollProductsRollProducts
80021 to 20Electronic Serial Identifier for Cellular Mobile TelephonesGS1ElectronicSerialNumberForCellularMobileTelephonesElectronicSerialNumberForCellularMobileTelephones
800314 to 30GS1 Global Returnable Asset IdentifierGS1GlobalReturnableAssetIdentifierGlobalReturnableAssetIdentifier
80041 to 30GS1 Global Individual Asset IdentifierGS1GlobalIndividualAssetIdentifierGlobalIndividualAssetIdentifier
80056Price Per Unit of MeasureGS1PricePerUnitOfMeasurePricePerUnitOfMeasure
800618Identification of the Components of a Trade ItemGS1ComponentsIdentificationComponentsIdentification
80071 to 34International Bank Account Number (IBAN)GS1IBANIBAN
80087 to 12Date and Time of Production (YYMMDDhhmmss)GS1ProductionDateAndTimeProductionDateAndTime
80101 to 30Component / Part Identifier (CPID)GS1CPIDCPID
80111 to 12Component / Part Identifier serial numberGS1CPIDSerialNumberCPIDSerialNumber
80121 to 20Software versionGS1SoftwareVersionSoftwareVersion
801718GS1 Global Service Relation Number, PROVIDERGS1GSRNProviderGSRNProvider
801818GS1 Global Service Relation Number, RECIPIENTGS1GSRNRecipientGSRNRecipient
80191 to 10Numer Zdarzenia Relacji Usługowej (SRIN)GS1SRINSRIN
80201 to 25Payment Slip ReferenceGS1GSRNRecipientPaymentSlipReference
81101 to 70Coupon code ID (North America)GS1CouponCodeIDCouponCodeID
81111 to 8Loyalty points of a couponGS1CouponLoyaltyPointsCouponLoyaltyPoints
82001 to 70URL for product extended informationGS1ProductExtendedInfoURLProductExtendedInfoURL

* - Scanning decimal numbers have a different prefix (than 37). For QR codes, we recommend using the 310 prefixes.


Where: 310, 95 - prefix X - a number of digits after which there should be a decimal comma (counting from the end) N - digits

Examples: 2,5: 3101000025

0,25: 3102000025

0,025: 3103000025

Odette Standard

The following prefixes can be used for Odette standard barcode labels creation. To use Odette standard coding, choose the right option in the Server options.

PItem Code/Business Partner Catalog Number It is possible to add/open an Item on Goods Receipt PO, Delivery, Pick and Pack, and Dispatch Control Item lists by scanning its Business Partner Catalog Number with this prefix
VBusiness Partner
NDocEntry, Purchase Order Number or document number (depends on where it is used)
HBatch Number
SSerial Number or SSCC (depends on where is it used)
DProduction Date

Custom Decoder

CompuTec WMS Custom Decoder offers an interpretation of barcodes without prefixes. This option allows scanning of a barcode that does not have Application Identificators in GS1 or Odette standard.

To input data from a barcode without a prefix to a desired field, it is required to focus on this field.

In the future, CompuTec WMS Team plans to implement a configurable prefix interpreter. This will allow the decoder to recognize barcode prefixes used in a specific company.

To use this kind of coding, choose the right option in the Server options.

USB Scanners

WMS desktop client can be used with USB scanners. To do that, you should configure this kind of device in the following way:

  • scanning device adds a start text sign (Ctrl + B)
  • scanning device adds an end text sign (Ctrl + C).

The file contains a full programming barcode for plug-in Motorola scanners guide: Download.

Barcode Scanner Simulator

For testing barcode scanning, you can use a dedicated application: WMS Scanning Simulator.