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Version: 2.0


If you have a problem with WMS application performance, please contact CompuTec support.

You can create an issue in the WMS Support space on Click here to visit this page. To shorten the process of WMS support, please be sure to describe a problem closely.

To make the whole process easier, you can add the following information to the issue:

  • CompuTec WMS Server and Client version

    How can I check it?

    Run CompuTec WMS Client and choose the options pointed out in the screenshots below: Media Media Media

  • Application performance log files. The log file is a text file that contains a record of an application's work. The logs folder contains text files that can be opened in Windows Notepad. Names of the files are generated automatically by the current date. Please attach to the support ticket files the date of an error occurrence. For more information, click here.