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Version: 2.0

Creating a Custom View

CompuTec AppEngine provides a mechanism for encapsulating complex database queries as simple structures and exposing them as REST API and OData.


  • simplified data consumption in Web API client or UI
  • supports OData V4
  • supports SAP HANA and Microsoft SQL Server
  • supports CompuTec AppEngine plugins
  • the CustomViews folder is available in the AppEngine installation directory, and ProgramData/CompuTec/AppEngine


Create a Custom View

  1. Open a plugin project in Visual Studio

  2. Create a folder, e.g., CustomView (right-click on a Project → New Folder), and go to it

  3. Open Terminal (View → Terminal)

  4. Navigate to the created folder

  5. Create a new custom view by using the following command in Terminal (named SalesOrderList in the following example):

    dotnet new ctaecustomview --name SalesOrderList

    Custom View

  6. Open the properties of the added file and set up the following values:

    • Build Action to Content
    • Copy to Output Directory to "Copy if newer."

    Build Settings

  7. Open the created file and define queries for HANA and MSSQL in the following structure:

    • Id – Id of a CustomView. This ID will be used to retrieve data from this view
    • Description – meaningful description of this view for developer reference
    • Source
    • Hana – SQL Query for HANA server type
    • MsSql – SQL Query for MSSQL server type
  8. Example of a defined view:


    "Id": "SalesOrderList",
    "Description": "Sales Order List",
    "Source": {
    "Hana": "SELECT \"DocEntry\", \"DocNum\", \"CardCode\", \"CardName\" FROM ORDR",
    "MsSql": "SELECT DocEntry, DocNum, CardCode, CardName FROM ORDR"

Bind Custom View to Control in UI5

  1. To bind a created custom view to our control, we need to use the following syntax:

  2. Open the www folder in the preferred IDE. In the below examples, we use Visual Studio Code.

  3. Now, in the view folder, let's create a new file, SalesOrder.view.xml.

    Sales Order

  4. Add View definition and table definition in it:


    <Table items="{AE>/CustomViews/Views.Custom(Id='FirstPlugin%3ASalesOrderList')}">
    <Title text="Sales Orders List"/>
    <Text text="Document Number"/>
    <Text text="Business Partner"/>
    title="{path: 'AE>DocNum', type: 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.Int32'}"
    text="{path: 'AE>DocEntry', type: 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.Int32'}"/>
    title="{path: 'AE>CardName', type: 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.String'}"
    text="{path: 'AE>CardCode', type: 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.String'}"/>
  5. As you can notice, we bind our custom view to Table control items aggregation. AE is a model alias available when you run your plugin inside Launchpad (your plugin Component needs to extend Computec.AppEngine.ui.core.Component). Please note that you must change ":" in Custom View ID to its URL encoded version %3A, as shown below.

    Custom View

  6. To bind controls inside our table, we must provide data type. This is required in the case of Custom Views because we don't have the $metadata definition of our custom view.

    Data Type

Test of Created View

  1. To test our view, we need to set up a route to it. To do this, open the manifest.json file.

  2. There, you need to add a route and target as shown below:


  3. Now you can navigate to this path manually: http://localhost:54000/webcontent/launchpad/webapp/Index.html#/plugin/computec.appengine.firstplugin&salesorder

  4. Optionally, you can add a tile to the Home view with navigation, as shown below.

Adding Navigation to the Sales Orders View

  1. Edit Home.view.xml.

  2. Add the following Tile inside the Horizontal Layout.


    class="sapUiTinyMarginBegin sapUiTinyMarginTop tileLayout"
    <ImageContent src="sap-icon://activity-2"/>


  3. Now, we need to add the "onSalesOrderPress" function to Home.controller.js.


    onSalesOrderPress: function (env) {
    var router = this. getRouter();



  1. Plugin Navigation Tiles.

    Plugin tiles

  2. Sales Orders view.

    Sales Order