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Version: 2.0

Translations from Backend


When using AppEngine, you can define your translation resource files directly in your project plugin. If you created a plugin with CompuTec AppEngine Plugin Template, the translation file is already added and registered. Translations require the following to work:

  1. The translations file is an XML file with the following structure:

    Translations file structure

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <messageTranslations xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

    <Message id="[translationID]" param="0">
    <translation lang="[language]" Date="[Translation Adding date]">[Translated text for given Language]</translation>
    <translation lang="[language2]" Date="[YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss]">[Translated text for given Language]</translation>

    <Message id="[translationID2]" param="0">
    <translation lang="[language]" Date="[Translation Adding date]">[Translated text for given Language]</translation>
    <translation lang="[language2]" Date="[Translation Adding date]">[Translated text for given Language]</translation>

    • id (translationID) – id that will be used in the UI5 app

    • lang (language) – a translation element for a given language.

      List of possible languages

      Default ln_Polish ln_English ln_German ln_Arabic ln_Chinese ln_Czech_Cz ln_Danish ln_Dutch ln_Finnish ln_French ln_Greek ln_Hebrew ln_Hungarian ln_Italian ln_Japanese_Jp ln_Korean_Kr ln_Norwegian ln_Portuguese ln_Portuguese_Br ln_Russian ln_Serbian ln_Slovak_Sk ln_Spanish ln_Spanish_Ar ln_Spanish_La ln_Spanish_Pa ln_Swedish ln_TrdtnlChinese_Hk ln_Turkish_Tr ln_Ukrainian

    • date (Translation adding date) – Date of adding translations in XSD DateTime format <YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss>

  2. Definition of TranslationStreamDelegate in PluginInitializer.


  3. Pointing to backend translation in Plugin manifest.json by adding an i18n element to the

    "i18n": "plugins/<Plugin Route>/I18n/"
    • Plugin Route - The Plugin Route is defined when creating a Plugin from the wizard. You can find this value in the AppEngine plugin manifest.json.

      Plugin Route

    • Example


Using Internationalization in UI5 Applications

If you created a Plugin Project from the, you can already check translations on Home.view.xml. The following screenshot shows how it works.

  • In Home.view.xml file we defined binding for header of Generic Tile to {i18n>todoTileHeader} and subheder o {i18n>todoTileSubheader}. This is the standard way of defining translations in UI5.
  • Translations IDs (todoTileHeader, todoTileSubheader) can be found in messages.xml. Based on the selected language (English in this example), the correct text is returned by AppEngine.


Example of Adding a Translation to the Sales Orders List

In this example, we will add translations to our example from Creating a Custom View.

  1. Let open SalesOrder.view.xml.

  2. Now we will change Table Title text and column Texts to use translations:

    Title Text

  3. To do this we just need to bind this properties to i18n and provide id. We will change

    • <Title text="Sales Orders List"/> to <Title text="{i18n>salesOrderTableTitle}"/>
    • <Text text="Document Number"/> to <Text text="{i18n>salesOrderDocumentNumberColumnLabel}"/>
    • <Text text="Busines Partner"/> to <Text text="{i18n>salesOrderBusinessPartnerColumnLabel}"/>

    Bind Properties

  4. Now, we need to add translations for the added translations ID to the messages.xml file.


    <Message id="salesOrderTableTitle" param="0">
    <translation lang="Default" Date="2011-08-09T15:55:59">Sales Orders</translation>
    <translation lang="ln_English" Date="2011-08-09T15:55:59">Sales Orders</translation>
    <translation lang="ln_Polish" Date="2011-08-09T15:55:59">Zlecenia sprzedaży</translation>
    <Message id="salesOrderDocumentNumberColumnLabel" param="0">
    <translation lang="Default" Date="2011-08-09T15:55:59">Document Number</translation>
    <translation lang="ln_English" Date="2011-08-09T15:55:59">Document Number</translation>
    <translation lang="ln_Polish" Date="2011-08-09T15:55:59">Number dokumentu</translation>
    <Message id="salesOrderBusinessPartnerColumnLabel" param="0">
    <translation lang="Default" Date="2011-08-09T15:55:59">Business Partner</translation>
    <translation lang="ln_English" Date="2011-08-09T15:55:59">Business Partner</translation>
    <translation lang="ln_Polish" Date="2011-08-09T15:55:59">Business Partner</translation>
  5. Now, we need to rebuild the plugin project. Start AppEngine and refresh the plugin to see the changes. (Restart is needed only to refresh messages.xml file).
