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Version: 2.0


Here, you can find a description of FIFO/FEFO/FMFO queues based on Batches, Serial Numbers, and Items managed neither by Batches nor Serial Numbers.

Batch managed Items

  • The queue type is chosen based on ProcessForce:

    • if it is installed, the queue type is taken from ProcessForce settings

    • if it is not installed, you can choose the type in Custom Configuration → Manager → Enable Batch Management Manager → Set Default Settings

  • FEFO – the queue is based on 'ExpDate' and (if ProcessForce is installed) U_ExpiryTime.

  • FMFO – the queue is based on 'MnfDate'

  • FIFO – "First In" is based on 'InDate'

Serial Numbers managed Items, Items managed neither by Batches nor Serial Numbers

It is always FIFO. It uses ProcessForce implementation, which takes a document creation date in ILM. It means that an item is transferred after receipt to a warehouse, and the date of the transfer will be considered (because it is the latest).


If, with the FEFO queue, there is no 'ExpDate' set for a Batch with this queue, this will be recognized as the earliest date during location search with this queue.