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Version: 2.0

Serial Shipping Container Code

Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is widely used to identify logistics units. SSCC has to be predefined in SAP Business One. In CompuTec, WMS Serial Shipping Container Code is created automatically for a specific Storage Unit on an SU creation.

To set the Serial Shipping Container Code definition, open the following directory in the SAP Business One menu (the form is available after installation of CompuTec WMS):


Stock Management → SSCC Definition


Next, SSCC according to the settings.

Extension Digit

In the SSCC definition, an extension digit is used to increase the code capacity and can be set by a company. It can be placed within a 0-9 range.

GS1 Company Prefix

A unique prefix set for a specific company.

Serial Reference

Setting a number here will define a series of numbers. Setting 000000001 will start a series of numbers (the following automatically assigned number is 000000001, 000000002, 000000003, etc.). It is possible to set a higher number to adjust it to a previous series used in a company.