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Version: 2.0



CompuTec Weight Service web address – checking the checkbox enables CompuTec Weight integration. After checking it, enter the CompuTec Weight Web address (available in General options in CompuTec Weight). You can test the connection to the address by using the Test button.

CompuTec Labels web address – enables CompuTec Labels integration. Click the Test button to check if the connection is available. Upon checking this checkbox, type in the CompuTec Labels web address (available in CompuTec WMS Client options).

Mandatory printer selection – checking this option prevents opening any CompuTec WMS transaction without previously choosing a printer in the client settings.

Select printer on CompuTec WMS client each time a new user logs in – self-explanatory

Retrieve printer data for each user from SAP settings – CompuTec Labels-related option (available only when the ‘CT Labels web address’ option is checked). By default, choosing from options available in the WMS CompuTec client is possible. When this checkbox is checked, information on printers is taken from SAP Business One setting

Retrieve printer name from SQL Query in CompuTec Labels – the name of a printer is taken from SQL query set up in CompuTec Labels settings instead of taking it from SAP Business One or CompuTec WMS

Display printing buttons – shows a button for label printing for specific functions

Number of part number scan – defines how many times a Business Partner part numbers have to be verified during the transaction

Verify uniqueness SU Labels – checks if a number of SU is already present in the system (because a number for an SU for a specific Delivery has to be unique)

Verify Business Partner part numbers – choosing which Business Partner Delivery documents are to be verified (by comparing a base document Business Partner with a Business Partner scanned/added during the Delivery transaction). Clicking a button next to the option leads to a list of BPs, from which it is possible to choose required partners

Verify Business Partner part numbers for the first Item in SU when CardCode is empty on Delivery – this option is related to the one above. It defines an additional Business Partner part number verification for the first position in an SU

Always verify Business Partner part numbers for the first Item in SU on Delivery – self-explanatory

Define available quantity for Item/Batch in Quantity field – if this checkbox is checked, the Quantity field is automatically filled with available quantity for a specific Item or Batch

Only picked quantity to be saved to Draft Documents – only picked quantity is saved in document draft

Document Numbering Series selection on the first window – enables to choose a document series on the first screen of a transaction

Display switch to PDC button – displays a button to switch to PDC

Delete draft document after document save (default document will be closed) – self-explanatory

TimeLog: Collect data about action arguments – saves the whole object sent to the server in TimeLog. It is an extension of the TimeLog option: log files are bigger with this option turned on, but it also allows to collect of more detailed information

Enable negative quantity on UDF fields – self-explanatory

Weight Scale auto-complete quantity – checking this checkbox automatically fills quantity fields with actual weight scale measurements upon clicking save.

Block change manual quantity – when checked, it is only possible to set the amount by scanning

Client connection time out (second) – time of inactivity after which a user is logged off

Skip none item allocation quantity – when the checkbox is checked, quantity of Items managed by neither Batch nor Serial Numbers is not detracted by the already allocated (e.g., on Pick Lists) quantity. To work correctly on, the option required related options to be checked for needed transactions (Delivery – skip SAP Allocation Quantity, Stock Transfer – skip SAP Allocation Quantity).

Open Telemetry Endpoint URL – an address to which diagnostic data is sent from the Android application.


The old Common tab: Common

Show Items with 0 quantity and Information about Business Partner on Base Document options were removed.

The option can be realized by a specific query in Query Manager. Common

Show Items with 0 quantity on Base Document option

By default the application displays Items with zero quantity. Adding the following line to a query AND T1."OnHand" > 0 results in displaying Items with quantity greater than 0. The following example concerns Delivery transaction. Common Common

On the left you can see a list before adding the mentioned line. The right screenshot show the same list after adding the line: New Item Before New Item After

Information about Business Partner on Base Document option

These information are contained in default query with CardCode and CardName values (that holds BP's number and BP's name respectively).

The following example shows a query for Goods Receipt PO transaction: Common

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