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Version: 2.0

Dispatch Control

Dispatch Control

No. of Catalog numbers scans – defines a number of scanning of Catalogue numbers, after which the application goes another step.

Extra field for scanning VDA on confirmation window – allows defining a user-defined field.

Extra Field for barcode prefix – this option allows to definition a prefix. Scanning a barcode with this prefix allows one to move to another step in the transaction.

Enable Dispatch Control for Selected BPs only – this option allows the definition of Dispatch Control only for some previously selected Business Partners.

Enable Dispatch Control for all Business Partners – allows defining Dispatch Control for every Business Partner.

Enable DocNum scanning on the Delivery selection window – allows scanning by document number (by content, if the checkbox is unchecked)

Check Items by quantity per package – allows to check Items by quantity by packaging, e.g., if there are four packages, 25 pieces each, a user will not be able to scan 100 parts, but to scan 25 pieces four times.

Don't check Item when Package Number Not Filled Up – when this checkbox is checked, a row is not checked if a number of packaging is incomplete.

Check Quantity – checks quantity by scanning a barcode. Moving to another step is impossible if the correct quantity is not scanned. If a user makes a mistake, they must click the x button and start counting again. Putting the amount manually is impossible; it works only by scanning.

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Check Quantity Check Quantity

Enable scanning by Item – allows to scan by Item (applicable if Batches do not manage an Item)

Use Oddete Scanner BarCode when scanning Business PartNumber – allows adjusting Batch number scanning if Business Partner is using Odette standard.

No. of Package numbers scans – defines several scanning of Catalog numbers, after which the application goes another step.

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BP Part Number BP Part Number

Extra field for scanning Package Number on confirmation window – allows defining a user-defined field on the final form of the transaction.

Extra field for Package Number barcode prefix – this option allows to define of a prefix

Enable checking Package Number for selected BP's only – this option allows to check Package Number only for some chosen previously Business Partners

Verify Business Partner part numbers for the first Item in SU – this option allows you to check U_PackageNumber and Business Partner number only for the first item in SU


The old view of Dispatch Control tab. Extra field query checkbox has been removed: Dispatch Control

To use the functionality, it is required to create a specific SQL query in Custom Query Manager: Dispatch Control

Click Load to choose a window to which we want to make changes. Dispatch Control

On the right side there are the following sections: Required Fields, Available parameters, Filter Parameters and available CompuTec WMS fields. WMS CompuTec Fields

The basic data for the change will be taken from called from SQL Query Manager. Basic Data

In this example data from Address and TransId columns will be added to Field5 and Field6 fields respectively. Fields

On the screenshots below you can see the CompuTec WMS window before and after the change. Delivery Selection

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