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Version: 2.0



Delivery Workflow allows you to choose one of three workflows for Pick Lists: Default, Customer-Date, or Date-Customer.

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Main Document Workflow

Main Document Workflow Main Document Workflow

Item Details Workflow

Item Details Workflow Item Details Workflow

Scanned SU validation – three options: 'Match selected Warehouse,' 'Match any base document, Line,' 'No validation.'

When "Match selected warehouse" is selected, it will block adding Storage Units with a different warehouse than set on the document - for example, when a new, empty Delivery document is created, and a warehouse needs to be chosen.

However, when a user creates a Delivery document from a base document, for example, Sales Order, there is no warehouse selection. Thus this option will not have any effect.

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Match any base document Line.

Document Details Document Details Storage Unit Storage Unit

Match selected Warehouse

Document Details Document Details Storage Unit Storage Unit

Show Project selection – Choosing this option causes displaying a window with Project selection before the Remarks window during the transaction.

Default project – choose a project that will be assigned to the document by default.

Enable saving to drafts – checking this option causes saving transactions as a draft document.

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Delivery Remarks

Enable saving documents when drafts ON – checking this option causes saving the transaction as a document or a document draft.

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Delivery Remarks

Scan DocNum on Base Document select workflow – if the option is checked, it is possible to scan DocNum on a Base Document selection form (instead of DocEntry)

Pick only preselected Batches and Serials – disables picking Batches and Serial Numbers Items not preselected on the Delivery transaction – preselection works only on Pick Lists. Thus a user can select those only when creating a Delivery document from a Pick List (also works from Delivery from Sales Order when Batches/Serial numbers are assigned to the Sales Order).

Pick only preselected Batches when using Pick List – when the option is checked, only Batches and Serial Numbers chosen for Pick List are displayed.

Copy the packed Items from the Pick List – self-explanatory.

Forbid ordering greater quantities than on Order – checking this checkbox blocks the possibility of issuing a higher quantity than on a base document.

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Delivery Operations Order Selection Document Details Storage Info Batches Quantity Quantity

Hide scanned SU on Item list – by default, scanning SU adds quantities of Item on it to a specific Item on the Item list and additionally SU as a line on the list. When the checkbox is checked, Item quantities are added to respective Item lines, but SU is not added as a separate line.

Block item adding with scanning – block the possibility of adding an Item by scanning a barcode (only picking it manually is available)

Force manual quantity confirmation – with this option checked, it is required to manually confirm the quantity previously set up (scanning a barcode does not confirm it automatically)

Enable scanning and adding Items from distinct Warehouses – defines whether Items for one Delivery document may or may not be picked from more than one Warehouse.

Stay on Existing SU List after picking/scanning a SU – when the checkbox is unchecked, scanning an SU barcode in the List of SUs screen leads to the Document Details screen (with the scanned SU highlighted). Scanning does not move from the List of SUs screen when the checkbox is checked.

New Delivery: Customer-Warehouse workflow – after checking this option on New Delivery, first you have to choose Customer, which leads to Warehouse form (instead of default Warehouse-Customer workflow). With this setting, scanning a Serial number or a Batch number on the Warehouse selection window will use the "Fast Scan," i.e., select warehouse, item, and serial/batch with the quantity provided in the scanned barcode and add it to the document.

Show Cost Dimensions – checking this checkbox adds a button (next to the Back button) on the Quantity form that leads to the Cost Dimensions form.

Hide Customer Ref. No. for Delivery from the base document – checking this option causes the customer Ref. No. field to be hidden in the Remarks form. (On Delivery transactions, when a user creates a document from a base document, a Customer Ref. No. on the document is filled in from the base documents. If more than one base document is used for a transaction, then the first non-empty Customer Ref. No. is used).

Use Sales UoM from Base Document – checking this option displays quantities in Unit of Measure from the Base Document (while still operating on the actual quantities). Saving as document drafts is not possible when this option is turned on. Click here to find out more.

Display SU Only With Item From Base Document – self-explanatory

Skip SAP Allocation Quantity – allows disabling SAP Business One Batch/Serial Numbers allocation (if needed for some custom changes). The Delivery works within a Warehouse with Bin locations for allocated Batches and Serial Numbers Items.

Freight (Sales Order field) cost options:

  • Partial - default option for CompuTec WMS and SAP Business One (when created from a Pick List)

  • Full freight for first Delivery only - total Freight cost added only to the first Delivery. The following Deliveries have no freight cost assigned (SAP Business One behavior with Delivery from Sales Order).

  • Always charge full freight - total freight cost from the base document.


The old Delivery tab view: Delivery Tab Old

The following checkoboxes have been removed: Show document drafts, Extra field in Order query, Sales Orders sorting order, Issue only Batches from MOR for selected BPs, Show only Pick Lists with Picked status.

To used the previously available option, it is required to create a specific SQL query by using Custom Query Manager: Enable Custom Query Manager Delivery

On the following screenshot you can check were to find replacements for the removed functions (compare the numbers with the first screenshot on this page): Custom Query Manager Delivery WMS Custom Configuration

Example for Show document drafts option (1)

Changing T0."CardName" AS "Field4" line to T0."DocStatus" AS "Field4" (instead of customer name there will be a document status - if it is open or closed). Custom Query SQL SQL Query

Examples for Sales Orders sorting order and Extra field in Orders query options (2, 3)

It is possible to use the option in four ways:

Previous sorting order optionsRelated commands
creationdate ascending"DocDate" ASC
creationdate descending"DocDate" DESC
duodate ascending"DocDuoDate" ASC
duodate descending"DocDuoDate" DESC

To change sorting order it is required to make changes in ORDER BY line. In the example below the sorting order was changed from sorting by creation date to sorting by document number (T0."DocDueDate" changed to T0."DocNum"). Here you can check the previous state and result of the change: Order Selection Document Number

Example for Issue only Batches from MOR for selected BPs option (4)

In this case it is required to add lines in two places (marked on the screenshot below):

A line that have to be added for filter to work properly:

AND (((@BaseDocEntry <= 0 AND @BaseDocLineNum < 0) AND ''='') OR ((@BaseDocEntry > 0  AND @BaseDocLineNum >= 0) AND (T0."U_MnfDocEntry" = (SELECT "U_DocEntry" FROM RDR1 WHERE "DocEntry" = @BaseDocEntry and "LineNum" = @BaseDocLineNum))))

Custom Query SQL Form

Example usage scenario

  1. Create a Sales Order.
  2. Create a related Manufacturing Order.
  3. Change the status of Manufacturing Order to Released.
  4. Go to CompuTec WMS, choose Pick Receipt > New Production Receipt and choose the Manufacturing Order.
  5. Generate a Batch and save progress, by this creating a Batch for the Manufacturing Order.

Here you can check the process on screenshots: Pick Receipt Batches Setup Order Selection Document Details Batches Batch Quantity

Going to Delivery > From Sales Order, choosing the required document number (757 in this case). In Item details we add Batches assigned to the Manufacturing Order: Batches

The only Batches available are the ones that were generated on receiving from Manufacturing Order.

Example for Show only Pick Lists with Picked status option (5)

In the default query it is required to find this line: T0."Status" <> 'C' and change it to T0."Status" = 'P'

The following screenshots present an example query, changes required to be made and the result in CompuTec WMS: Delivery

T0."Status" <> 'C' changed to T0."Status" = 'P' Status

The result: Pick List

Show document drafts checkbox has been removed due to the fact of adding an option to choose document drafts in application.

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