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Version: 2.0



After picking an item, auto return – this option allows you to change the window to which the application will go after setting and confirming the quantity for an Item.

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Main Document Workflow

Quantity Document Details

Item Details Workflow

Quantity Storage Info

Show Project Selection – choosing this option results in displaying the Project Selection form before the Remarks form when creating a document (to which it is required to add receiving Items).

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Project Selection Project Selection

Default Project – if a default project is chosen, clicking the right arrow icon on the Project selection form is possible. A default project set up here will be selected automatically.

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Default Project

Enable saving to drafts – allows saving documents as document drafts.

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By default, the option is switched off, and the Remarks window looks like this: Remarks

When the option is switched on, the Remarks window looks like this: Remarks

Enable saving documents when drafts ON – allows deciding on the Remarks form whether to save a transaction as a document or a document draft.

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When the option is checked, two options are available in the Remarks field: Remarks

GRPO SU creator: Allow selection of only one item per SU – this option prevents the user from picking more than one Item from a base document for an SU when creating it by using SU Creator in Goods Receipt PO transaction. For example, this option can be used, e.g., when we want to create pallets with a single type of Item.

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Example Order Selection Document Details Document Details Items Document Items Document

Scan DocNum on the Base Document selection window – checking this option allows you to scan a document by Docm, not by DocEntry.

Force manual quantity confirmation – with this option checked, it is required to manually confirm the quantity previously set up (scanning a barcode does not confirm it automatically).

Enable adding Items from multiple Warehouses – if the option is checked, adding Items from different Warehouses is possible, and the Warehouse window will be displayed during the transaction.

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Warehouse Warehouse

Enable adding Items with Empty Bin Code field – it allows to add Items without Bin Code to a Warehouse with Bin Locations. If enabled, an Item with an empty Bin Code will be assigned to the first available Bin.

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Warehouse Supplier Selection Document Details New Item Quantity

Enable negative quantities for Items not managed by batch/serial number – allows using negative quantities for Items managed neither by Batches nor Serial Numbers.

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  • This function works only with Items managed neither by Batch, nor Serial Numbers
  • Scanner barcode does not support negative quantity
  • Line with 0 quantity will not be added to the SAP document
  • Draft document with negative quantity is not supported
  • Storage Unit does not support negative quantity.

Enable Negative Quantities Enable Negative Quantities Enable Negative Quantities Enable Negative Quantities Enable Negative Quantities Enable Negative Quantities

Enable adding attachments – allows adding attachments to documents. If a scanner device is used, the option automatically turns on a camera to take a picture and add it as an attachment.

Enable setting Tax Date – allows selecting a Tax Date on the Remarks form.

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When the option is enabled:

Tax Date

The Tax Date is saved to the highlighted field of a document:

Document Date

Show Cost Dimensions – checking this checkbox adds a button (next to the Back button) on the Quantity form that leads to the Cost Dimensions form

Keep selected Bin Location after adding an item – after picking an Item, the Bin Location field will not be cleared (keeping the same Bin Location)

Hide Supplier Ref. No. for GRPO from the base document – checking this option causes the Supplier Ref. No. field to be hidden in the Remarks form (related to base documents: Purchase Order, A/P Reserve Invoice). (On GRPO transactions, when a user creates a document from a base document, a Supplier Ref. No. on the document is filled in from the base documents. If more than one base document is used for a transaction, then the first non-empty Supplier Ref. No. is used).

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Supplier Reference No.

Use Purchase UoM from Base Document – checking this option displays quantities in Unit of Measure from the Base Document (while still operating on the actual quantities). Saving as document drafts is not possible when this option is turned on. Click here to find out more.

Skip Storage Unit details

Hide SU

Do not clear batch – when checked, the application stays in the Quantity screen after adding a Batch.

Automatically populate the Quantity field with the value from the base document – self-explanatory.

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Auto Quantity

PopUp Date from Base Doc with today's date – an application message with a warning about the receive date of the document being older than today

PopUp adding new Item when using base document – an application message with a warning about adding an Item to a Base Document.

Item Quantity PopUp from Base Document – an application message with a warning about exceeding Up Quantity from the related Purchase Order. It is possible to either display a warning with a continue button or to block the action (please note that for A/P reserve Invoice, it is only possible to block the action)

PopUp validation Expiry Date Item – an application message with a warning about the Item expiration date. It is based on ProcessForce Item Details (Batches tab > Expiry Date) or MS SQL query (in case of using the MS SQL query: if the query is empty, validation is not displayed)

Move CatchWeight quantity difference to - This option saves the differences to the specified field in SAP Business One.

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CatchWeight Quantity

  1. No action - No action is performed
  2. Quantity - The difference is recorded in the quantity field (In No. of Packages, the number of packages is an integer) Quantity
  3. Inventory Quantity - The difference is recorded in the Qty(Inventory UoM) field Inventory Quantity


Old view of the tab: Goods Receipt PO.

The following options have been removed: Extra field in Purchase Orders query (1) and Purchase Orders sorting order (2). Functionalities of both of these options can now be used through Custom Query Manager. GRPO

To set up the options go to Manager tab, check Enable Custom Query Manager checkbox and log in using SAP Business One credentials. Custom Query Manager Checkbox

Next, choose Goods Receipt PO option and click Load. GRPO

AD.1 Extra field in Purchase Orders query

Choose Purchase Order List and click Load button next to it: Purchase Order List

Now you can see the information on:

  • required fields
  • available parameters
  • filter parameters Fields

You can create your own query, use a default one (by clicking Copy from default button) or modify the default one. Create Own Query

An example query:

In this example it is required to display a currency code in the 4 field. It will be done in Goods Receipt PO --> from Purchase Order window, on choosing a purchase document.

Here, you can check the default query: Default Query

and a query modified for this example: Modified Query

The following lines have been changed:

Old LineNew Line
T0."CardName" AS "Filed4"coalesce(cast(T0."DocCur" AS nvarchar(4000)), '')+'//'+coalesce(cast(T0."CardName" AS nvarchar(4000)), '')) AS "Field4"

The new line takes the following information from the table: a values of a currency code, a sign that will separate the values and on which field it will be displayed.

The screenshots below presents the difference in results between the default and modified for this example queries: Order Selection

Here you can check from where the data is taken for this example: Data Data

Please also note:

For MS SQL: (coalesce(cast(T0."DocCur" AS nvarchar(4000)), '')+'//'+coalesce(cast(T0."CardName" AS nvarchar(4000)), '')) AS "Field4" (nowa linijka) - Jeśli mamy środowisko SQL

For HANA: (coalesce(cast(T0."DocCur" AS nvarchar(4000)), '')||'//'||coalesce(cast(T0."CardName" AS nvarchar(4000)), '')) AS "Field4"

AD.2 Purchase Orders sorting order

There are four sorting options. On the left side there are options from the old view, on the right side related commands that can be used now:

Old ViewNew View
creationdate ascending"DocDate" ASC
creationdate descending"DocDate" DESC
duodate ascending"DocDuoDate" ASC
duodate descending"DocDuoDate" DESC

Duo Date

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