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Version: 2.0

Pick and Pack

Pick and Pack

Pick and Pack Workflow - you can choose the order of data entering. Available options: Default Workflow, Customer-Date Workflow, Date-Customer Workflow.

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Customer Date Workflow

Customer Date Workflow Customer Date Workflow

Date-Customer WorkFlow Date-Customer WorkFlow Date-Customer WorkFlow

Default Workflow

Default Workflow

Update all picked content on transaction completion – all chosen during transaction information is saved on saving a transaction (the data selected from during the transaction is not held until clicking the save button at the end of the transaction).

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Before marked

Before Marked

After marked

After Marked

Enable adding Item Details when Warehouse has Bin Locations – allows adding Item details when in a Warehouse receipt, Bin locations are defined.

Pick Items only with scanning – allows picking an Item only by scanning a barcode (cannot choose an Item manually)

Force Manual quantity confirmation – with this option checked, it is required to manually confirm previously set up quantity (scanning a barcode does not confirm it automatically)

Enable over-picking to base open document quantity – checking the option allows you to set quantity higher than on the related base document (leaving this checkbox unchecked blocks it).


Old view of Pick and Pack tab: Pick and Pack Extra field in Pick and Pack query optionhas been removed.

It is possible to use this functionality by creating a specific SQL query in Custom Query Manager > Pick and Pack option: Pick and Pack

In this example it is Customer List For Date Pick List: Pick and Pack

In this example four fields are available and by default two of them are set up: Fields

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