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Version: 2.0

Storage Unit


Quantity showed on WMS Item Lists – checking this checkbox results in displaying quantity packed in an SU.

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Document Details

SU FIFO type allows setting the date to be created/displayed on a new SU. Options are SU creation date or creation date of the Items in the SU.

SU Code length – number of characters in the SU code

SU FIFO authorization – checking this option enables SU creation authorization. It is possible to set up a mandatory log in on SU creation and to set up for which Warehouse's authorization will be required.

SU FIFO authorization login – an option related to the previous one: login details for SU FIFO authorization

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  1. Start WMS
    1. Stock Transfer
      1. New Inventory Transfer for all Items.
      • FIFO does not work in Source Warehouse form: SU FIFO Authorization

      • It works only in a Warehouse:

        SU FIFO Authorization

      • Select ALL SU (Sorted by InTime, Code)

      • This option allows you to see all the Storage Units in the specific Warehouse

        SU FIFO Authorization SU FIFO Authorization

      1. New Inventory Transfer Batch Item

        SU FIFO Authorization

      • Select batch item

        SU FIFO Authorization

      • Select SU FIFO

        SU FIFO Authorization

      • Select SU for Batch Item(Sorted By InData, Code)

      • This option allows you to see all the Storage Units for one item(batch)

        SU FIFO Authorization

      • SU 90, 91,92 have the same InTime Date 2007-03-26

      • Su 94 has a different InTime Date, 2019-10-30

      • In this case, WMS shows a message if you select SU 94

      • WMS does not show a message if you select 90,91 or 92

        SU FIFO Authorization

      • FIFO Message(for SU 00000000000000000094)

        SU FIFO Authorization

SU FIFO authorization only Warehouses – an option related to the two previous ones: you can choose to which Warehouses authorization applies

Enable and set custom barcode to the extra field in Scan SU Info – allows assigning a custom barcode to a different field in Scan SU Info.

Hide SU Options – when the checkbox is checked, SU-related options (Continue SU, New SU, New SU for each Qty) are not displayed.

Hide Continue SU button – hides the option to continue SU – it is then only possible to create New SU or New SU for each Qty (the option is greyed out when the Hide SU Options checkbox is checked)

Turn on UDF lookup/modification in SU info – allows modifying UDFs from SU Info form in transactions.

Show SU location info on Delivery, Goods Issue, and SU Operations (New SU) – shows the number of SUs available on a specific Bin Location (this option is only considered when a Warehouse with Bin locations is selected on a transaction. To make sure that the proper Warehouse is set, please uncheck the option in Custom Configuration: Delivery > Enable scanning and adding Items from distinct Warehouses)

Copy CardCode for SU every time new GRPO is added – allows to automatically copy a CardCode for SU every time Goods Receipt PO is created.

Enable Customer Selection on New SU in SU Operations – allows choosing a Customer while creating a new SU in SU Operations.

Take only content when adding existing SU to another SU – when the checkbox is checked, adding SU to another SU adds only its content. When unchecked, a whole SU is added – creating a multi-level SU.

SU Pick and Pack: Pick Item only from Base Document – choosing this option blocks the possibility of adding Items that are not on a base document

Block quantity changes on Warehouse Info – checking this option blocks the possibility of opening an Item line on Whs Info → SU Info