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Version: 2.0

Bin Location List For To Warehouse Doc

General Information

  • Key in resources - BinLocationListForWarehouseAndItemBatch
  • Controller/calling method name - WarehousesController/GetBinLocationListForToWarehouse

Calling List and Scanning Information

TransactionAdditional InformationController/ Calling Method Name
InventoryTransferA Bin for the whole document or a lineInventoryTransfersController/Tobinwhsorbinscan

Column Required in a Query

  • AbsEntry
  • BinCode
  • OnHandQty

Bind/Scanned Field

  • AbsEntry

Available Parameters

  • Guid - Unique number for transaction
  • UserId - User Id from OURS
  • UserNameWMS - User name WMS
  • DeviceId - Requester device Id adresss
  • DocumentSeries - Document Series
  • WhsCode - Warehouse Code
  • ToWhsCode - To Warehouse Code
  • ItemCode - Item Code
  • BaseDocEntry - Base Document DocEntry

Basic Filtering Parameter

  • T0."BinCode"